Council’s Employability Service launches a new ‘Test and Learn’ Grant Fund
The Highland Council’s Employability Service has launched a grant fund to test a new delivery model for service providers supporting unemployed residents who require longer-term, more intensive support to progress into work.
Prioritising people with disabilities, long term heath conditions and people who have been out of work for more than 12 months, the model aims to create the right conditions for a high-performing and high-quality service offer which will work within the unique Highland Council geography.
Chair of The Highland Council’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee, Cllr Ken Gowans said: “We have found at times that National models don’t work well in our area due to our large geographic area and rural populations. The aim of the fund is to test an approach which, as well as supporting the progression of out of work residents into employment, will also provide an element of certainly of funding to our local service providers. The learning through this grant fund will be invaluable in shaping our future provision for those who need some longer-term support.”
The ‘Test and Learn’ grant fund is funded by the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund. The application pack can be obtained by emailing the Employability Service at
The deadline for applications is 25 September