Planned part-day Road Closures - B862 at Stratherrick Primary School, Gorthleck - Monday 16th October to Thursday 19th October 2023 between 0900 and 1600 each day
Motorists are being advised by The Highland Council that there will be a four part-day road closures of the B862 at Stratherrick Primary School, Gorthleck (south of Inverness) on Monday 16th October to Thursday 19th October 2023 between 0900 and 1600 each day.
The part-day road closures are required to carry out essential carriageway resurfacing works and to ensure safe working practices.
Local diversion routes will be available for Light Vehicles, with Heavy Goods Vehicles being directed to use the main B-route corridors.
Advance notification signs advising the public of this closure will be erected at the site and at remote junctions, giving advance notice of the works. Diversion signs will be in place during the Closures.
Emergency vehicle access will be maintained and pedestrians and cyclists will also be managed through the works via the new shared-use path under the supervision of the Contractor. Bus services will be managed through the works on the Monday and Tuesday but will be restricted on the Wednesday and Thursday terminating at Errogie to avoid damage to the new surfacing material. Refuse collections on Wednesday will be maintained by re-routing to avoid the Closure.
The Highland Council apologises for any inconvenience.