Highland Council’s first ever Virtual Jobs Fair hailed a success

Highland Council’s Employability Team say the local authority’s first Virtual Jobs Fair held last week was a great success.

The event, which was held on Wednesday 15 November, targeted winter work opportunities on the Isle of Skye and Raasay, following the end of many seasonal roles to cover the busy visitor period.

Representatives attended from the childcare sector, NHS, hospitality, food and drink, and public sector.

Many offered all year-round roles, with options for candidates to progress and develop.

Attendees registered in advance of the event and were able to obtain information from employers, ask questions and have a chat about vacancies.

A total of ten employers attended along with over 35 members of the local community, who were seeking employment. The event received lots of positive feedback.

Chair of Highland Council’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee, Cllr Ken Gowans, said: “I am really pleased that this event was so well-attended.

“This is a great way to quickly connect employers with suitable candidates. We will look to expand this model in the future.”

Chair of the Isle of Skye Area Committee, Cllr John Finlayson, said: “I am delighted the event went so well and the feedback from attendees suggests the flexible approach used was supportive to them.

“This kind of approach is ideal for rural areas like Skye & Raasay which have many employees who work in seasonal jobs but who want to have all year-round employment. Hopefully this kind of event will continue to be available on an annual basis.”

Abbie Dunlop from the Scottish Childminding Association said: “The event ran smoothly, and it worked well because people could join at a set time to find out about opportunities in sectors, they had an interest in, rather than one big event that would have meant them having to listen to talks that were not relevant to them.”

She added: “We got a few questions which is always nice and seem to have some follow-up interest which is great.  Attendees enjoyed the ease of the event, which enabled them to attend from the comfort of their own home and to speak to employers in areas of interest.”

The Highland Council Employability team were on hand at the event to help attendees to make applications for specific roles.

This is a free service offered throughout Highland, with specialist Key Workers on the ground.  If you would like assistance, please email employ.ability@highland.gov.uk

21 Nov 2023