Garage rent increase agreed for the Isle of Skye and Raasay area

Garage rents for the Isle of Skye and Raasay area will increase by 7.95% for 2024/25 as agreed at today’s Area Committee.

Garage Rent for Council Tenants will increase from £7.03 to £7.59 per week. Meanwhile, Garage Rent for non-tenants will go up from £8.68 to £9.37 per week.

As a result, total income will increase from £1,845.60 to £1,992.33.

The committee also agreed an amendment for the future rent increase for these garages to be set to align with the rate of increase applied to council house rents. The Area Committee will reserve the right to change this arrangement at the request of its Area Chair.

The rent increase will commence from April 2024 and garage tenants will be notified by letter.

12 Feb 2024