Go Ahead for Pilot Sustainable Project at Acharacle

The Highland Council has agreed unanimously to go ahead with the replacement of Acharacle Primary School through a pilot sustainable development scheme.  The estimated cost of the new school is £5.5 million, £600,000 of which has been already spent on taking the project to this stage.

Situated 45 miles from Fort William and 12 miles from the nearest school at Strontian, Acharacle Primary has a total school roll of 55 Gaelic Medium and English pupils.

The replacement of Acharacle Primary as a sustainable pilot project was agreed in January 2004, when it was decided the school should be highly insulated with high levels of natural light and feature minimal mechanical and electrical engineering and very low energy use.

As well as classroom provision the timber building will feature a school hall, community facilities and a community football pitch.


26 Oct 2007