Teachers Praised for SQA Performance

Head teachers and staff at the 29 secondary schools in Highland have been warmly praised for the above average performance of Highland pupils in the Scottish Qualifications Authority examinations.

They are to receive a letter of congratulations from Councillor Bill Fernie, chairman, on behalf of The Highland Council’s Education Culture and Sport Committee.

Committee members were told today (Thursday) that Highland pupils maintained the strong performance of recent years in emerging well above the Scottish average in all of the National Priority Attainment areas.

Councillor Fernie said: “Members of the committee are absolutely delighted at the excellent performance of our pupils in the SQA examinations, which is due in large measure to the guidance provided by our teaching staff.  To recognise our satisfaction, I will be writing to all head teachers to express our congratulations.

“To ensure the drive for continuous improvement in external examination performance,  Quality Improvement Officers of the Council will be visiting each secondary school to discuss with school management teams specific actions points.”

20 Sep 2007