Badenoch Library opening hours to change.

The Highland Council is alerting users of Badenoch Library in Kingussie that its opening hours will change from Monday 1st October 2007.

Carol Goodfellow, Highland Council’s Area Libraries Officer for Inverness Nairn Badenoch and Strathspey explains: “The change in hours has been requested by our partners in Badenoch Learning & Resource Centre to allow them sole occupancy one weekday each week. The number of public opening hours will remain the same, but we are closing on a Tuesday and re-allocating one hour to Monday and two hours to Thursday morning. This will help to keep the same spread of hours throughout the week so as not to disadvantage any library users who can only visit in the mornings.

“Highland Libraries have agreed to this change as it will allow the Learning Centre to develop their programme and offer a wider variety of courses.  We feel it will greatly benefit the local community, including local businesses, to have a wider variety of courses and learning opportunities available. We have ensured that there will be no reduction in library hours and hope that the change will enhance our partnership with Badenoch Learning and Resource Centre.”

The new public opening hours of Badenoch Library are: Monday 12noon - 5pm and 6-8pm; Tuesday closed all day; Wednesday and Friday 10am-1pm and 2-5pm; and Thursday 10am-12 noon, 1-5pm and 6-8pm.

24 Sep 2007