Munlochy Lad Wins Mulch Mower

Sam Mathieson of Munlochy is the proud winner of a brand new mulch mower, which he won by taking part in a competition organised by WRAP (the Waste and Resources Action Programme) and The Highland Council at the Black Isle Show.

WRAP and all 32 Councils in Scotland work with the Scottish Government to promote home composting, and offer a range of subsidised compost bins to help householders divert kitchen and garden waste from landfill, and to create a great free product they can use in the garden.

Marina Fraser, WRAP Home Composting Advisor for the Highlands said “Grass clippings are great for your compost bin, but they do need to be mixed with items such as scrunched up paper and cardboard to keep a good mix in your compost bin. For those with big lawns, mulch mowers are a great help as none of the clippings need to be collected, so we thought the mower would make a fantastic prize.”

“Many people don’t realise how easy it is to compost their kitchen and garden waste. Not only do you create a useful product for your garden by composting at home, but you will also be helping the environment.  Compost improves soil so plants will become more resistant to pests and disease.  It can be used as mulch, a soil or lawn conditioner or as part of a seed and potting mix that will provide your garden plants with nutrients to keep them healthy and beautiful.”

A range of compost bins starting at just £6 are available to every resident in Scotland; all bins are delivered free to the door, and come with a free kitchen caddy and a range of guides showing you how to compost at home successfully.

More information can be found at or by phoning 0845 077 0756.

26 Sep 2007