Applicants Reminded to Complete New Highland Housing Register Form

People on housing lists in the Highlands are being urged to respond to correspondence advising them of the creation of a new  single Highland Housing Register, which aims to make it easier for them to apply for Council or housing association housing.

The Highland Council together with the five housing associations operating in the Highlands -  Albyn; Cairn; Lochaber; Lochalsh & Skye; and Pentland - have produced a single housing register and last month 15,000 applicants on the waiting lists of the agencies were sent a new housing application form to complete.

The new application form means people who want to be housed by the Council or any of the housing associations with housing in the Highlands will only have to fill in a single form.  Previously applicants had to complete separate Housing Application Forms for each landlord.

Applicants, who have yet to respond, are urged to do so as soon as possible and certainly by the end of March. They should be aware that if they do not return the form, they cannot be considered for housing.

Any applicant who has not received a form, should contact their local housing office or Council Service Point without delay.

11 Mar 2008