Committee rejects Heat and Power Plant Application at Invergordon

The Highland Council’s Caithness Sutherland and Easter Ross Planning Applications Committee has refused an application by Combined Heat and Power (Highland) Ltd to establish a  waste to energy combined heat and power plant within the Cromarty Firth Industrial Park at Invergordon.

Councillors Maxine Smith and Martin Rattray, both Cromarty Firth, moved that the application be refused on the following grounds:-

            ·         Road safety issues at the Tomich junction

·         Potential detrimental effect on the amenity of the area

·         Non-compliance with the proximity principle as the plant would deal with waste from all over Highland

·         Non-compliance with Structure Plan policy W5 in that the plant would not be suitably located as it is near housing and schools and in that the transport network cannot accommodate the extra traffic it would generate.

·         It cannot be proven beyond reasonable doubt that the plant would not impact adversely on health

Councillor Graeme Smith, Wick, moved an amendment that the application be refused solely on road safety grounds.

The motion by Councillors Smith and Rattray was successful by 8 votes to 4.

The application was recommended for approval, with conditions,  by planning officers, who said it was consistent with the Ross and Cromarty Easter Ross Local Plan.

Seven timeous representations were made against the application, including one from Ardross Community Council. One timeous letter of support was made. There were also five late letters of representation against the development. Objections focused upon traffic and environmental concerns.  Invergordon and Saltburn Community Councils,as statutory consultees, had objected to the application.

19 Aug 2009