HMIE Report on Raigmore Primary, Inverness

In a HMIe report on Raigmore Primary, Inverness the inspectors judged the work of the school to be good or very good practice and noted a number of  particular strengths of the school.  These include:-

• Well-mannered, confident and enthusiastic children.
• The very good start made to children’s learning in the nursery.
• The commitment of the head teacher, Moira Leslie, staff and support agencies to creating a safe and nurturing environment for all children.
• Wide range of learning opportunities across the school which encourage children to achieve.

HMIe recognised the school’s strong focus on heath and wellbeing to ensure all staff and a children felt supported and included in the life of the school as being an example of particularly good practice.

The Inspectors also agreed two areas for improvement with the school and education authority. These were to:

• Ensure that all children experienced tasks and activities which challenged them appropriately.
• Build on existing arrangements for self-evaluation to bring about further school improvement and continue to raise attainment.

Mrs Leslie said: "We are very pleased with and proud of our HMIe Report.  It is full of very positive statements about Raigmore which fully endorse what we do in Raigmore on a daily basis.  The report acknowledged the issues we face because of our transient population and it highlights the many strengths of the school – in particular our strong focus on health and wellbeing in the life of the school. We are also very pleased that Raigmore pupils, quite rightly, are described as ‘well mannered, confident and enthusiastic children’.”

Angus Davidson,  chairperson of the Parent Council , said: “Raigmore offers a high quality all round education.  It celebrates pupils of all levels and abilities and treats them as individuals.  All staff seem to really care and work very hard to make the school the success it is.  As parents we are very lucky our children are part of such a positive learning environment.”


20 Jan 2009