HMIe confident in Caithness school’s ability to continue improvement

In a report published today on Lybster Primary School and Nursery, HMIe said they would make no further visits in relation to their November 2008 inspection.  The progress made by the headteacher, Mrs Carol Grant, in improving the leadership and ethos of the school, and the hard work and commitment of staff to improving pupils’ learning experiences were at the heart of this decision.

Other particular strengths of the school were identified as polite, confident and friendly children and the assistance provided to meet children’s additional support needs.  The school has improved its communication with parents.  Staff discuss the effectiveness of their work and use this to improve the experiences for children.

There were some areas, however, where more attention was needed to ensure continuity and progression in children’s experiences and learning.  As a result, inspectors agreed the following areas for improvement with the school and education authority.  These were to: continue to raise attainment in reading and writing; ensure continuity in learning and a consistent and challenging pace of progress; involve children more actively in their learning and develop their skills as independent learners; and use self-evaluation to improve children’s experiences and attainment.

Inspectors reported that in its more rigorous approach to self-evaluation the school has the capacity to improve further.  The school and education authority will continue to inform parents about the progress being made to improve the quality of education.

Mrs Grant said: “I am pleased that the report recognises the dedication of the staff and their commitment to the changes being implemented as we move towards the new Curriculum for Excellence.”

21 Jan 2009