Annual bonfire and fireworks display

The City of Inverness Grand Bonfire and Fireworks Display will take place on Thursday 5 November starting at the later time of 7.30pm and a bumper crowd is expected at Bught Park to see the show.

he Merkinch-based Falcon Drumming Group will provide the pre-bonfire entertainment from 7pm with a performance of African Drumming in the main grandstand before Provost Jimmy Gray steps forward at 7.30pm to light the bonfire. 

The reigning Scottish Champion pyrotechnic display team from Fireworx Scotland will then present a 20-minute display based around a classical music theme at around 7.40pm. 

Inverness Winter Festival Chairman Councillor Roy Pedersen said: “The slightly later start time for this year’s display has been introduced to accommodate requests from families who were finding it difficult to make the earlier start time due to traffic congestion. The display seems to be growing in popularity with every passing year and we think that providing spectators with an extra half hour to come and see the show will make things easier for them.” 

Drivers are reminded that Bught Road will be closed for the duration of the event to non-residents and that the outer field which normally houses the car parking at the Highland Games will not be available as it will be used to accommodate the bonfire and spectators viewing areas on Saturday night.  

As usual, only disabled badge holders and coaches will be allowed to park at the site. 

It is recommended that all spectators set off early and anyone travelling to the event by car allows themselves plenty of time to find a space in the car parks located in the city centre and get to the Bught.


29 Oct 2009