Follow-through inspection of Golspie High

As part of HMIe’s ongoing strategy for evaluating the educational provision of local authorities, a report is issued today on the inspection of the quality of education at Golspie High School.  The follow-through report is based on an inspection visit which was carried out in February 2010 and describes the improvements that have been made since the original inspection in 2008.

In a mainly positive school report, HMIe highlighted as strengths: the staff’s commitment to the education and welfare of the young people in their care; the wide range of opportunities and activities that encourage all young people to learn and achieve; and the strong partnerships that provide young people with effective support.

HMIe noted that young people’s learning experiences are better. Young people are now more confident and more responsible for their own learning. They are clearer about what they need to do to improve and have more opportunity to work together and to help one another to learn.

HMIe acknowledge that staff, young people and parents are very committed to improving the school and almost all young people said they are proud of their school. The acting Head Teacher has set higher standards and expectations to which staff and pupils are responding positively and provides strong and supportive leadership.

Staff now work together more effectively to improve the quality of young people’s learning and achievements.  Morale and confidence are much higher among staff, young people and parents.

As in all reports, HMIe suggest ways in which the school might sustain its agenda for improvement and has identified that many of the improvements are relatively new and will take time to have significant impact on learning and achievement. Attainment in the school remains too variable particularly in key subjects, in light of this HMIe will make a further visit during the next year.

The very active Parent Council continues to support the school well and Sarah Whealing, the Parent Council’s Chairperson said: “We are pleased that the report recognises the hard work put in by everyone involved with the school. We know this remains a work in progress but our commitment is as strong as ever and the Parent Council look forward to working with the new Head to consolidate the improvements. Our pupils are great and their achievements are to be applauded."

Jim Steven, Acting Head Teacher for the school said: “This report gives some very positive feedback regarding the changes that have been put in place in the school over the last year. There is still further improvement to be achieved but with a new Head Teacher now appointed I believe the school is well placed to provide the high quality educational provision the young people of Golspie High School deserve.”

Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee Councillor Bill Fernie said: “The Acting Head Teacher, staff, parents and pupils at Golspie are working extremely hard to make the improvements noted by HMIe.  There are still areas to work on but there is no doubt that the school is moving in the right direction.”

23 Mar 2010