Kite making in Kiltarlity

Adults and children looking to have some fun over the holidays are being invited to come along and join The Highland Council Countryside Rangers for a kite making and flying session at Kiltarlity of Wednesday 7 April.

Corinne Hambly, Countryside Ranger for Inverness West said: “ We’ll be making all manner of kites using odds and ends and then, weather permitting, we’ll fly them. There are few countryside pursuits more enjoyable than flying a kite on a breezy spring day.  I’m really looking forward to making my very own kite and flying it with everyone else at the end of the event.”

The workshop takes place from 1.30 – 3pm and costs £5 for adults and £3 for children.  Places should be booked in advance by telephoning 01463 710786. Full details and information on where to meet up will be given and the time of booking.

29 Mar 2010