Investigation works at Grantown Primary School

The Highland Council is taking precautionary action to investigate land conditions within the grounds of Grantown Primary School.  The Council has written to parents/carers of current pupils to inform them of the investigation.

Local Authorities have a duty under The Contaminated Land (Scotland) Regulations 2000 to inspect land with historical industrial use.  The Council began its inspection programme in 2003, and now plans a routine investigation at one corner of the Grantown Primary playing field where a former gasworks was located and was closed over 100 years ago.

The Council has instructed a specialist environmental consultancy, ERS Ltd., to undertake the investigation. 

The investigation will commence during the February half term break (week beginning 14 February 2011).  A small drilling rig will be used to excavate around ten boreholes to collect soil samples for chemical tests.  The boreholes will be installed with groundwater monitoring wells.  The groundwater monitoring will continue for a number of months after the boreholes are installed.

There is no need to restrict pupil access to any parts of the school grounds as drilling and installation of the monitoring equipment will take place when pupils are not present and once installed, pupils will not be able to access the monitors.

The Council will review the results of the soil and groundwater tests to decide if any further action is necessary.  A report on the land condition is expected in July 2011.  Parents and carers are being assured that the tests are precautionary investigations and that if significant contamination is found, they will be contacted at the earliest opportunity.

Grantown Primary Parent Council members were briefed at a meeting on 18 January 2011.  Members of the public with queries can contact Esther MacRae on 01463 228734.  General information on land contamination legislation and guidance can be found at:

24 Jan 2011