HMIe Report on progress at Carbost Primary School

HMIe returned to visit Carbost Primary and Nursery during June 2012, in order to evaluate progress with the areas for improvement that were identified in their previous inspection during May/June 2011.

In their latest very positive report the inspectors were pleased to note that the quality of learning had improved markedly and children were now achieving much better in a number of areas.  Improved links between the nursery and the primary classes were helping children to learn together well. Primary stage children were becoming more independent and responsible for themselves. The curriculum was being improved and in particular children’s writing was now much better.

Team work had also improved within the school and staff worked together well to support learning, especially as children made their transition from nursery into primary.  Parents were becoming more involved in their children’s learning and homework had improved. Children recently led a very successful ‘Olympics’ day for several other small schools in Skye.

Overall, the school had made major improvements to the way it improved its work.  This had been guided successfully, and sensitively, by the headteacher.  The school now had a clear sense of direction provided through the school’s new vision and aims.  Over the past year improvements had been well led and all staff had been very supportive in leading and implementing change. Highly effective support had also been provided by the part-time seconded Head Teacher and Education Authority.  Significant progress had been made in aspects of learning and achievement and in the school’s ability to improve its work.

The Education Authority will continue to support the school and provide a review for HMIe in June 2013. HMIe will then decide on the nature of their engagement and reporting arrangements. Parents will then receive a report with further information about the school’s progress in improving the quality of education.

Commenting on the report, Miss MacLennan Head Teacher, said: “It is very gratifying, indeed, to have this latest Report from HMIe as it recognises all the hard work undertaken by our staff to improve and develop a range of aspects of the educational provision for our learners who, themselves, are clearly reaping the benefits. I am confident that our school will continue on this path in the months ahead.”

21 Aug 2012