Board confirms end of door entry policy

The Highland Licensing Board has confirmed its decision to abolish its door entry policy, which required customers at 13 night clubs across the Highlands to enter the premises by midnight.

The Board took a policy decision to abolish its door entry policy at a meeting on 20 November on the basis that it had not been demonstrated that the policy continued to serve any of the 5 licensing objectives.

At today’s Board meeting, members  reviewed the licences of the 13 night clubs and agreed to vary the licences to remove the door entry condition.

Those night clubs affected are: -

Licensing Board Convener Councillor Maxine Smith said: “I understand from patrons and some licensees that the abolition of the curfew/door entry policy is now working well and there have been no detrimental effects of dropping it. The Police have not yet evaluated the situation but I have not received any adverse report from them either.  The public who use the nightclubs in the Highlands continue to express their delight at their freedom to move about different clubs and their ability to be treated with a great deal more respect, rather than queuing for nearly an hour to get into a premise, as now they can move to another club if they don’t  want to stand in the cold waiting to get in. 

“I believe we have to be forward thinking and move with the times and as long as the public continue to act in a responsible manner there is no reason why the Licensing Board would review their decision and today marked the underlining of our previous position – to abolish the door entry policy.”


18 Dec 2012