Success of Gaelic Fun Days in Plockton and Portree

Leugh sa Ghaidhlig

Two Gaelic Fun Days which took place in Arainn Fhìnn at Portree High School  and in Plockton Hall on the 10th and 14th November were popular and well attended.

The Fun Days, jointly organised by The Highland Council, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Comunn nam Parant, and the Care and Learning Alliance, were aimed at parents of children in the 0 – 5 year sector.  Parents who attended received information on bilingualism, Gaelic education, details and examples of resources including books and websites which are available to use when playing and educating their children.

Both events were well attended.  Over 40 parents came along to Gaelic Fun Day in Portree and children from the Gaelic Nursery in Plockton participated in the day held in Plockton which was supported by Ina MacRae, Gaelic Parent and Toddler Development Worker for the Care and Learning Alliance.

Activities included face painting, a bouncy castle, home baking, and information on the benefits of bilingualism. Mrs Ceitidh Hutton was in Plockton and entertained the children by telling stories and singing songs in Gaelic.  This gave both the parents and children an opportunity to engage with the language.

Shona Paterson, The Highland Council’s Gaelic Officer (North Area) said: “The 0-5 sector is very important for Gaelic as they will be the Gaelic speakers of the future. The Highland Council’s second generation Gaelic Language Plan highlights the importance of increasing the numbers of Gaelic speakers and Fun Days provide practical opportunities to implement this.”

Fay MacDiarmaid, Bòrd na Gàidhlig 0-3 Officer said: “These days are good examples of various organisations working together to promote Gaelic in a fun and informative manner.”

26 Nov 2012