Award Winning Plan Adopted by Council

The Highland Council, who received a commendation at the 2005 Scottish Quality Awards for Planning, has adopted the award winning Wester Ross Local Plan.

The Plan,  which was adopted on 29 June following significant community involvement, identifies areas for the expansion of all settlements in the area, whilst also setting in place the policies against which the Council assess planning applications.

Work on the local plan started in early 2003 and made use of traditional methods of community engagement as well as a number of other initiatives including the use of opinionmeters, a disposable camera project, the use of aerial photography and photomontages, an arts website, a dedicated local plan website and neighbour notification for proposed allocations.

Successful negotiation throughout the plan process led to only three issues being discussed at the local plan inquiry.

The Adopted Plan is now placed on public deposit at the following places:

21 Jul 2006