Ballifeary Residents Urged to Recycle

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Residents of flats in Ballifeary are being encouraged to make use of their blue bins to recycle their paper, cardboard, cans and plastic bottles.

The Highland Council is working with Zero Waste Scotland on a month-long project to promote the use of blue recycling bins in the area. Around 250 households in Ballifeary who have the blue bins will be targeted.

As part of the project any damaged bins will be replaced with new ones, bin storage areas will be cleaned up and numbered stickers will be placed on the blue and green bins. Householders will also receive a leaflet explaining how to use the blue bins, what materials can be recycled and what happens to the materials after they are placed in the blue bin. Various council staff are working with local residents on this project including Waste Management Officers, Community Wardens, Collection Crews, Community Development Officers and Housing Officers.

The recycling bins will be monitored before and during the project to see if this has resulted in an increase in recycling. Zero Waste Scotland will use the results of this project to develop future plans for local authorities to help people living in flats to recycle.

Some local residents recently attended a discussion at the Bught Stop about the recycling services in their local area and offered to help champion recycling within their community. Earlier this week residents Alistair Truscott and Kevin Tarr met up with their local Councillors, Graham Ross and Allan Duffy to chat about the project.

Councillor Allan Duffy said: “I think this is a great opportunity for the local residents to show that recycling isn’t as hard as it sounds, and that the Bught is an eco-friendly area.  All in all this is a great initiative and I look forward to seeing it progress.”

Residents in the rest of Inverness can also use their blue bins for recycling cans, cardboard, paper and plastic bottles.

20 Feb 2013