Housing Transfer Response

The Highland Council’s housing spokesperson, Councillor Sheena Slimon  has described as “wholly inaccurate” the Scottish Socialist Party’s  analysis of housing transfer.

She said: “The Scottish Executive has made it clear that councils are not left with the burden of debt restructuring premia after transfer. Councils have not been left with these costs from any previous transfers and there is no reason The Highland Council would be any different.

“The SSP also fail to give any recognition to the huge financial benefits which transfer will deliver across the Highlands. By writing off £160 million in housing debt we can offer tenants the opportunity to see improvements to their homes and better services while guaranteeing to keep rents affordable.

“If the SSP get their way and the transfer does not go ahead the full £160 million will have to be paid for by tenants through their rents. At the moment 41p in every pound of tenants rents go towards paying off this debt.

“But it’s not just existing tenants that would suffer if transfer from a ‘no vote’ There is a £50 million pound programme to build a thousand extra vitally needed affordable homes across the Highlands that would be halted if transfer does not go ahead.

“Furthermore the SSP continue to mislead people with their misuse of the term privatisation. Highland Housing Association will be a not-for-profit Industrial and Provident Society. Every penny of any surplus will be invested to benefit tenants.”

15 Jun 2006