Ben Wyvis Primary celebrates first birthday

Ben Wyvis Primary School pupils and staff celebrated the first birthday of the school`s opening with a party on their return from the October break.

All 290 boys and girls congregated   around the pagoda  in the playground to sing Happy Birthday and blow out candles on a cake of the school.  They then moved to the hall for a special assembly with reflection, songs and poetry by the pupils.  After lunch, juice and cupcakes (donated by parents) were enjoyed by all.  At 2.00pm parents, relatives and community members were invited to share in the celebrations.

Head Teacher Mrs Rita McDaid said: “We are so fortunate to have this amazing 21st century school for our pupils and staff. I am delighted at the way that the parents, staff and pupils have come together over the last year, really taking ownership and pride in their new school.  We have achieved a lot over the last year and worked hard to develop a very positive ethos.” 

22 Oct 2013