Comments sought on the Council’s new Plan for the Inner Moray Firth area
A plan to be launched on Friday by The Highland Council sets a template for growth in the Inner Moray Firth area that could deliver over 17,000 homes and 11,000 jobs over the next 20 years and beyond. The public is being encouraged to have their say on the Inner Moray Firth Proposed Local Development Plan which represents the Council’s view on how and where the Inner Moray Firth area should grow. The Proposed Plan directs the majority of future development towards existing towns and the City of Inverness and identifies where new infrastructure should be located to support future development.
A 6 week public consultation on the Proposed Plan will run from 1st November – 13th December 2013. The Council has designed the Plan as an interactive online document that can be accessed through the Council’s website where comments on the Plan should also be made.
Over the past year the Planning and Development Service has been working closely with other key public agencies, the development industry, statutory consultees and the general public to prepare the Proposed Plan. This includes nearly 1000 comments submitted during the previous stage of the process known as the Main Issues Report.
Councillor Thomas Prag, Chair of Planning, Environment and Development Committee said: “The Proposed Plan shows the Council’s ambition for delivering sustainable economic growth and improvements to communities in the area. It’s really important that people tell us their views about the policies and proposals in the Plan so that they can be considered both by the Council and an independent Reporter who will hold an Examination on the Plan about a year from now. I’m really pleased with the interactive format which makes it much easier for people to engage with it and share their comments”
Once adopted, the final Plan will replace the existing local plans across the area and update some parts of the Highland-wide Local Development Plan. Everyone with an interest in the future of the area is encouraged to review the Plan and submit their comments at The document is also available at Highland Council Service Points and libraries in the Inner Moray Firth area.