Turfs cut for new Caol Campus

A programme of new primary schools for the Fort William area has taken another major step forward today (Friday 27 June) as turfs were cut at the new joint campus building site at Caol.
The Caol project involves demolition of the existing Caol Primary School and Caol Community Centre and construction on this site, by Kier Constuction, of a joint campus building to accommodate a nine-classroom school to replace Caol Primary School as well as a six-classroom school combining the existing Fort William and Lochyside Roman Catholic Primary Schools. The new schools are due to open in August 2016.
The existing Community Centre will remain in operation during the first phase of the works until the new Community Centre building is ready, with the demolition of the existing school and remaining external works leading to the completion of the project.
Councillor Alasdair Christie, Chair of The Highland Council’s Education, Children and Adult Services Committee said: “I am delighted that this is the third turf cutting for a new school buildings project in Lochaber in recent weeks. This is great news for Lochaber that Highland Council is committing such large sums of money to improving schooling in Fort William, especially as it comes on top of the major investment in Lochaber High School.”
Councillor Thomas MacLennan, Leader of the Council’s Lochaber Area Committee, added: “What a great way to end the school term with the start of another new school building and community facility programme in Fort William. I am very pleased and excited for the pupils, parents, staff and local community who will have the very best equipment and surroundings for learning, teaching and community participation.”
Sean O'Callaghan, area operations director of Kier Construction said: "Kier is delighted to be associated with this exciting new joint school campus and new community centre at Caol. This is a significant investment into the Highland economy and we look forward to working with the local community to develop these new buildings that will meet with their aspirations and provide employment opportunities for local construction businesses and apprentices during the construction phase."
Ian Murray, Chief Executive, High Life Highland added: “The new community facilities which will be part of the Caol Campus are a great opportunity for the community and school library to come together with youth provision all in one place. We are really looking forward to the improvements and difference that the new facility and premises will make to the delivery of services in the local community.”