Public meeting for Sockich’s Bends road improvement scheme


The Highland Council is holding a public meeting on Thursday 31 July in Farr Community Hall to discuss proposals for road improvement works to the B851 route at Sockich’s Bends by Farr.  

Before work to twin track the public road can begin, Forestry Commission Scotland will be required to fell timber in this area. Both this felling word and the actual road construction will require traffic management arrangements. These are likely to involve part-day closures with a diversion route for local light traffic, the management of bus services and re-routing of any HGV traffic.  

Council officers and representatives from Forestry Commission Scotland will be at the meeting and as local residents and business interests are key to this important work, they hope as many people as possible are able to come along in order that any adverse effects for local residents can be kept to a minimum.  

The meeting will take place between 7-8pm.  


25 Jul 2014