High Life Highland mourns loss of Chair

Issued by High Life Highland
High Life Highland the charity set up by The Highland Council to operate its cultural and leisure services this week announced the sudden death of its independent Chair Laurence Young.
Laurence from Roybridge, served on the Board of High Life Highland for three years from the formation of the company in 2011. For the first two years he fulfilled the role of Vice Chair, assuming the position of Chair from March 2014. As an enthusiastic and loyal member of the Board of Directors, Laurence helped to shape the values and goals of High Life Highland and was committed to the aim of ensuring that the company continued to grow, develop and provide excellent front line services for its customers.
His vision was that of a company recognised by the people of the Highlands as an integral part of their lives, for pleasure, sport, culture, the arts and health. He believed that High Life Highland had reached an exciting point in its evolution and was looking forward to leading the direction of the company’s future strategic development.
Prior to joining the Board of High Life Highland, Laurence was an Education Manager with The Highland Council with direct responsibility for six secondary schools and twenty five primary schools. He was also the lead Education, Culture and Sport Officer responsible for Child Protection within the service. He also worked as Area Manager for Skye and Lochalsh
Committed to the wellbeing of sport, language, art and music in the Highlands he was involved in youth football, badminton, shinty and netball. With a keen interest in music, Laurence also served as Chair of FEIS Lochabair and Lochaber Pipe Band and described himself as an amateur artist and traditional musician.
Ian Murray, Chief Executive of High Life Highland, said: “Staff and directors are all deeply saddened to hear of Laurence’s untimely passing and our thoughts are with his family at this difficult time. Laurence brought a wealth of experience to the role as Chair of High Life Highland and his enthusiasm, work ethic and determination to make a difference will be sorely missed.”
Leader of The Highland Council, Drew Hendry, said: “Our elected Members and former colleagues of Laurence’s are all saddened to hear of his sudden death and our thoughts go out to his family. Laurence will be remembered as a hardworking and a very public spirited person. He dedicated his time and skills to improving education and leisure opportunities, especially for young people, and brought this enthusiasm to the fore in his role as Chair of the High Life Highland Board. He will be greatly missed.”