Public thanked for their involvement in recent CaSPlan consultation

cas plan events

The consultation on the Caithness and Sutherland Local Development Plan Main Issues Report (CaSPlan MIR) drew to a close on Friday 6 February 2015 after 14 weeks which saw members of the public take part in a series of drop in sessions and evening workshops held around the plan area.  

The consultation sought people’s views on the main issues affecting people and places and potential development sites across the plan area. The CaSPlan team would like to thank everyone who responded to the MIR consultation and completed the online form. 

The Caithness and Sutherland Area Leader, Councillor Deirdre Mackay said: “It is great that people took the time and opportunity to make comments on the Main Issues Report.  It is important that people get involved in the plan making process. Those who have sent comments will be kept informed of progress with the CaSPlan. Anyone else who wishes to be kept informed directly should send their contact details to the CaSPlan team.”  

Amongst the comments received, a small number of sites have been suggested to the Council for consideration which were not identified in the Main Issues Report.  The Council is considering running an additional consultation on new sites to give everyone the opportunity to comment on them before the Council decides whether or not to include them in the Proposed Plan. The dates of this additional consultation period will be advertised and people living within 30 metres of the sites will be notified as neighbours.  

Principal Planner, David Cowie, said: “It was encouraging to see people come along to the drop in sessions and the evening workshops.  We heard from a range of residents, businesses and community organisations about the future of their communities and we would like to thank everyone for their input.  

“The CaSPlan team will now consider all the comments submitted to the MIR consultation. The next stage of the plan making process is the Proposed Plan.  This will represent the Council’s settled view as to what the final adopted content of the plan should be.”  

A report on progress will be taken to the Caithness and Sutherland Area Committee in May 2015.  

You can contact the CaSPlan team at or via the Council’s Service Centre on 01349 886608.


16 Feb 2015