Onwards and upwards for North Tower


Historic Scotland has granted Listed Building Consent on behalf of Scottish Ministers for the proposed development to the North Tower of Inverness Castle. 

The Highland Council submitted an application for Listed Building Consent for alterations and the formation of viewing platforms at the Castle North Tower in order to maximise this asset as a tourist attraction for Inverness and the surrounding area.  

Historic Scotland is the determining authority in cases where the Planning Authority makes application for Listed Building Consent. Detailed specifications for all proposed internal and external materials, finishes, fixtures and fixings must be approved by Historic Scotland to ensure that the works safeguard the building’s special architectural and historic interest. Once the detailed plans have been approved, work on the tower can commence.

Stuart Black, Highland Council’s Director of Development and Infrastructure, welcomed the news. He said: “The Listed Building Consent marks another important step towards opening up the North Tower to the public. The site is of major historic importance and will be a key point of focus for visitors to the area.”

30 Apr 2015