New policy for extended opening hours for special events approved by Board
At its meeting on 16 June 2015, the Highland Licensing Board approved the final terms of its Supplementary Licensing Policy Statement on Extended Hours for Special Events of Local or National Significance. This supplements the Board’s main Licensing Policy Statement 2013-2016 and will have effect as Board Policy until November 2016, when the main Statement is next due for review.
The Supplementary Statement indicates particular special events of local or national significance for which the Board is likely to grant extended hours and the extended hours which it is likely to grant for those events.
Individual applications for extended hours for these events will, however, still require to be submitted so that the Board can consider each application on a case by case basis.
Board Convener Councillor Ian Cockburn said: “The adoption and publication of this Supplementary Statement is intended to give a greater degree of certainty to licensees as to the extended hours they are likely to be granted for these events, while still ensuring that the ultimate decision to grant extended hours rests with the Board following consultation with Police Scotland.
“I’d like to thank all the businesses, our statutory consultees and the members of the public who took part in the consultation we ran earlier this year for their involvement in the process.
The Supplementary Policy Statement can be viewed by visiting The Highland Council’s website -