Council Leader profiles Highland at Cities Convention

Leader of The Highland Council, Councillor Margaret Davidson and Stuart Black, Highland Council’s Director of Development and Infrastructure represented Inverness and the Highlands at the Cities Convention, held in Royal George Hotel, Perth today (13 November 2015).

The event was attended by Local Authority Leaders and Senior Officers from across Scotland and community representatives, including senior pupils from Culloden Academy, Inverness.

Included in the programme of speakers, John Swinney MSP, Deputy First Minister spoke about the roles cities play delivering inclusive economic growth in Scotland.

Councillor Davidson said: “I was pleased to hear the Deputy First Minister reaffirm that the Scottish Government is committed to City Deals, which is good for Inverness and the Highlands.”

She added: “In addition to the importance of City Deals for our region I stressed to delegates the importance of digital connectivity for retaining young people in the Highlands along with affordable housing and quality jobs which are vital to our economy.”

13 Nov 2015