Highland Planning Policies to be Refreshed

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the Highland-wide Local Development Plan Main Issues Report is just one of the consultations people can take part in.

A series of consultations on planning and housing matters in Highland has been extended.  Communities are being given more time to provide comments on three documents - the Highland-wide Local Development Plan Main Issues Report, the draft Onshore Wind Energy Supplementary Guidance and the Local Housing Strategy. 

The deadline for comments had been set to 18 December 2015, but to make sure that as many people as possible have sufficient time to consider the documents and make comments, including newly formed Community Councils, the deadline has been extended to 29 January 2016. 

The Council’s online consultation portal consult.highland.gov.uk makes it easy to read and make comments on these consultations.  Simply create a login, select which documents you wish to hear about and you can then use your login to comment on any future development plan consultation. 

For the above consultations, any comments must be received by the Council no later than 12pm on Friday 29th January 2016 and need to be made online at consult.highland.gov.uk unless otherwise agreed in advance with the Development Plans Team.  The Team can be contacted at hwldp@highland.gov.uk or on 01349 886608.

7 Dec 2015