Highland Council tenants invited to share their opinions on Council’s landlord services
An independent survey by market research company Progressive Partnerships is being carried out on behalf of The Highland Council’s Housing Service.
The postal survey has been sent to all 13,799 Council tenants inviting them to share their views on the quality of services provided to them by the Council’s Housing Service.
The survey results will be used to help the Council understand more about tenants’ experience of housing services and plan for the future using this knowledge.
Tenants who have not yet completed and returned their survey are encouraged to get involved and have their say about their experience as a Highland Council tenant.
Progressive Partnership will be sending reminder letters and survey forms to tenants who have not yet taken the opportunity to have their say from 22 January 2015. No stamp is required for returning the survey questionnaire by post. Alternatively, there is an on-line survey at http://tinyurl.com/tenants16.
Tenants are urged to complete and return their questionnaire by 10 February 2016.