High Standards at Aldourie Primary School

In an HMIe report on Aldourie Primary School, Inverness, a range of strengths were identified. The primary school was commended for:
The positive ethos

Leadership of the head teacher
Enthusiastic, polite and courteous pupils
High standards of attainment
A committed staff and their effective teamwork
The wide range of stimulating and challenging learning experiences for pupils
In their report, the Inspectors judged that almost all aspects of the work of the school represented very good practice. They recognised the very good performance in English language and mathematics and the very good quality of teaching and learning.  They also commended the school for its care and welfare of the children and its partnership with parents and the community.

The Inspectors made two recommendations for the school. The school was asked to improve its procedures for self-evaluation.   School accommodation and facilities were judged to be unsatisfactory and the school and authority have been asked to address a number of issues with regard to accommodation.

Janice MacBeath, head teacher, said: "I am very pleased with the report as I feel that it reflects the positive ethos of the school, the opportunities we provide for all children to achieve, positive teamwork, partnership with the parents and community, and our commitment to improving the school.”

Shona Fraser, chairperson of the School Board, said: “The School Board is delighted with the positive report following the school inspection and look forward to working with The Highland Council in addressing the accommodation and facilities at the school.”

25 Oct 2006