Public opinion to be sought on ‘Approaching Inverness’ project

Three ‘demonstration’ projects that will improve the visual impact of approach roads to Inverness and provide a sense of place for visitors, residents, businesses and investors have met the approval of Members of The Highland Council’s City of Inverness Area Committee.

A city gateway structure will be created for the approach to Clachnaharry on the Beauly-Inverness road; and the A82 Telford roundabout and A82 Longman central reservation will be improved in partnership with Transport Scotland.

The public will be invited to comment on a draft “Approaching Inverness Strategy and Design Guide” which will be launched on the Council’s website week commencing 6 June. The strategy identifies potential improvement works for key routes into the city and public comment will be invited over a ten week period.

Provost and Leader of the City of Inverness said: “It’s important that the local businesses that will benefit - especially from the Longman projects - are involved. We will put out a call to businesses in the area inviting them help beautify the Longman Road by supporting the A82 projects.

2 Jun 2016