Redesign Board proposes new values and purpose for the Highland Council
The Redesign Board for the Highland Council has drafted proposals for a new Council purpose, values and outcomes, which were presented to full Council on 29 June.
The final proposals made to the Council are recognised as draft with scope for further amendment, depending on views gathered from staff, partners and the general public. In addition, the proposed purpose, values and outcomes will be affected by the Scottish Government’s Programme once it is announced and the details are clearer.
Chair of the Redesign Board and Convener of the Council, Councillor Isobel McCallum said:
“Our vision is for the Highlands to be an attractive place to live and work and learn and do business, with key sectors supported making the most of our outstanding natural resources, and our economic growth shared across the region with opportunities for all to contribute and benefit.
“The world class environment of the Highlands should be protected, enhanced and enjoyed by residents and visitors, as an attractive place to live, where people and communities can achieve their potential, supported and connected by good infrastructure, amenities and services. In growing up and growing older, we want everyone to enjoy a good quality of life, living in safe communities, taking care of each other and looking out for those who need more support. We also want Highland communities which are better supported to do things for themselves, with opportunities for wider participation in local decision-making and community led services.”
She went on to say: “The Council is the only public body in the Highlands that improves public services through democratic scrutiny. We seek to widen democratic rights so that more people can have a say in what matters to them.”
Vice Chair of the Redesign Board and Vice Convener of the Council, Councillor Bill Lobban added:
“The Highland Council exists to improve outcomes for Highland communities, leading, investing in and giving strategic direction for regional development.
“As a public body, we want to ensure the Council is resource efficient, working smarter with up to date technology and trying out new approaches; that it is business-like, operating commercially in order to support public services; that its staff and Members are closely connected to their local communities and are supported in their commitment to public service; and that it works with other public services to ensure total public resources are used effectively to prevent poorer outcomes and higher costs arising later.”
Cllr Lobban added: “The Board continues to consult widely and I want to emphasise that none of this is possible without the help and support of members of staff.”
The proposals were approved at Council on 29 June. The next phase of work will involve the Redesign Board prioritising the Council’s range of around 250 functions over the summer and looking at options for change.
More information is available on the Council’s website: