Making Inverness city centre a great place to live, work, visit and invest
The public will soon have their say on opportunities and priorities for development in Inverness city centre when a public consultation starts on 3 February.
People will have six weeks to comment on the Draft Inverness City Centre Development Brief which assists in attracting investment by promoting opportunities to regenerate, develop and enhance the city centre’s built environment. By considering how the city should look and feel in 2030, the brief identifies priorities for change and sets criteria and guidelines for city centre development.
The consultation period runs from Friday 3 February to Monday 20 March 2017. The Council is urging anyone with an interest in the city centre to use this opportunity to have their say. Findings from the public consultation and a finalised brief will be reported to the City of Inverness Area Committee on 14 September 2017 for adoption as supplementary guidance. Once adopted the brief will form part of the Council’s statutory Development Plan, which influences decisions on development.
The easiest way to view and comment on the Draft Development Brief is via the Council’s online consultation portal at All comments received between 3 February and 20 March will be considered by the Council when finalising the brief. Advice on accessing or using the consultation portal is available from the Development Plans Team, telephone 01349 886608. Comments by letter/email will be accepted only if agreed in advance. Anyone without internet access can view the document online at Highland libraries. A hard copy is also available to view at Highland Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness, IV3 5NX.
To meet the team preparing the Brief and find out more about its content, or how to access or use the online consultation, visit:
- the Council’s stand at Eastgate Shopping Centre (opposite Waterstones) on Wednesday 15 February anytime from 12-5pm;
- the drop-in exhibition at Inverness Town House, Bridge Street, on Wednesday 22 February 2017 anytime from 12-8pm.
Provost of Inverness and Area, Cllr Helen Carmichael said: “The development brief is intended to send a clear message that the city centre is open for business. It’s where we want people to invest, work, live and visit. I would encourage anyone who has an interest in Inverness city centre – especially residents and businesses with interests in the key sites - to make sure your voices are heard. This is your chance to shape and promote opportunities to develop, improve and regenerate the heart of the city.”
Peter Strachan, Chairman of Inverness BID said “The Development Brief is a very important planning document on the future of our city centre. I would encourage all city centre businesses to take a look at the draft and make comments during the consultation period. It's a great opportunity to have your say and help shape Inverness in the years ahead."