Views sought on B851/B861 Inverarnie and Farr village improvement scheme

Public Forum - Thursday 16 March 2017 - Farr Community Hall
- 4pm – 6:30pm drop-in session
- 7pm – 8pm presentation and Q & A
Local residents and businesses are being invited to a Highland Council public forum on Thursday 16 March to view and have their say on proposals for the B851/B861 Inverarnie and Farr village improvement scheme.
The forum will take place at Farr Community Hall on 16 March with a drop-in session from 4pm - 6:30pm when people can view the proposals followed by a short presentation and question and answer session from 7pm – 8pm led by Council officials.
The Council is seeking views and ideas which will be considered as part of the ongoing design process. Residents and businesses are invited to view the scheme drawings, ask questions and exchange ideas. Council officials will be available throughout to explain and discuss the proposals. There will be opportunity to submit feed-back forms with thoughts, concerns and ideas.
The village improvement scheme proposal seeks to improve the road environment within the Villages. It encompasses both the B851 and B861 within the existing 40mph restrictions.
This could include providing village gateways as priority give-way layouts, to reinforce a change of road environment to drivers from open rural road to a village setting. The Council is proposing to formalise the road width and provide a new surface course; improve the verge treatment and roadside drainage provision; and provide a shared-use path allowing safer access for vulnerable road users. The proposed layout would encourage better speed compliance and driver behaviour improving the overall village setting and amenity for residents and visitors.