Schools called upon to support WWF Earth Hour

Ahead of WWF's annual Earth Hour on Saturday 25 March 2017, schools across the Highlands have been invited to help spread the message by creating posters and short videos about how to tackle climate change.
Earth Hour is an annual global celebration where people across the world switch off their lights for one hour to show they care about the future of our planet. It is a symbolic and spectacular display, and the Council hopes that many schools and pupils across Highland will embrace the opportunity to show how they plan to protect the future of the planet from climate change by showing their creative sides.
A selection of the best posters and videos will be displayed at Eden Court and on social media.
Councillor Audrey Sinclair, Chair of Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee, said: “Earth Hour has become a very important event on the global calendar, and I am delighted that the Council continues to support it, especially this year with it being the tenth anniversary. The competition for schools is a fantastic way of spreading the message that we can all make a difference in helping to tackle climate change and protect our planet.”
In support of the 10th Anniversary of Earth Hour, some of the Highland's best known and iconic landmarks, including Inverness and Eilean Donan Castles will be switching off floodlights for the weekend.
The Council is pulling together a range of activities and events to raise awareness. Details of these will be published shortly.
For further details of the Highland school activities, or for those wishing to host their own event please email .
Schools are encouraged to sign up on to get their Earth Hour activity on the map, and to gain access to additional Earth Hour resources.