Sheltered housing

Our sheltered housing is for:

  • older people (aged over 60 years) who want the services provided in sheltered housing
  • anyone who has care and support needs or who has issues with their health or mobility.

Sheltered tenants get an enhanced housing service. This housing is popular, because it provides independence, with a little more help on hand if needed.

Every sheltered tenant pays for this enhanced service. This is on top of their rent. If they are on benefits, this may cover their sheltered service charge.

The Sheltered Housing warden is in charge of the overall site. They do not provide any care or personal support themselves. They can:

  • get to know the tenants
  • offer to keep in touch with them
  • give information about local services and support
  • act as a point of contact
  • help tenants link with their housing officer.

Many tenants arrange support services themselves. For example, help with home care, day care or meals. This helps them to keep living independently in a home of their own. They arrange this privately or from NHS Adult Services.

Many Council tenants ‘right-size’ by transferring into sheltered housing. They do this to have a home which is easier to manage. Or want to feel more secure in their independence. Or have more opportunities to socialise. If you are interested, speak to your Housing Officer. They can help you with a move.

Most sheltered housing is in small, grouped developments. Most have one bedroom or are bedsits. Some have communal facilities including places to meet and socialise.

Tenants, who want it, can be connected to a 24-hour personal alarm service to call for help in case of emergencies. To get this telecare service, you need contact details for at least 2 (preferably 3) people who are willing and able to act as ‘responders’.

In some sheltered housing, the wardens can respond to emergencies and call for appropriate help during working hours.

The Sheltered housing tenant handbook explains about the warden service.

Find out more about Telecare services from the NHS. You don't need to be a sheltered tenant to get Telecare.