Power Cuts

Winter Power Outages

The Council and other partners will always try to deliver as many services as they can, no matter the situation, but the reality is that they might also be impacted. To help, you can get prepared and be ready for disruption. Taking a few simple steps can improve your own personal or household resilience. This page contains some important information, guidance, and signposting to additional support.

You might need to be self sufficient for 72 hours. So now is a good time to get prepared.

Things to do ahead of an event

You might not be able to do all of these things but doing even a few can help make you more resilient.

Locate your utilities

It sounds obvious, but it is significantly easier to locate your fuse box, gas meter, or mains water supply tap in the light, than during a power cut.

It's always sensible to "plan in peacetime," in other words before severe weather arrives or is forecast. Take the time to learn where the utilities in your house are and how they operate. These might need to be switched off during a power or flood event for example.

If you experience a power cut here's a handy check list of things to consider

If you have prepared the above, you will be in with a better chance of being resilient in an emergency.

  • Stay home or get home. You are safest near to home, unless you need emergency care. If you are out, try to get home as safely as you can.
  • If you are flooded – get as safely as you can to a pre-agreed ‘safe place’ and let others know you are ok.
  • Look out for each other - The council or other service providers might be unable to help out for a few hours, or even a few days. So please check regularly on your neighbours and pool your resources.
  • Stay safe – make sure you are aware of the risk posed from candles or portable stoves in your home and be alert.
  • Stay healthy – and not just your physical health, maybe having a few board games to play or a deck of cards might help keep you mentally alert? It could get boring fast.
  • Listen for advice – local radio stations will be broadcasting advice to your area, so often people will get into the car to listen in (at the same time also charging devices). It's good practice to always have a battery/wind-up operated radio in the house so that if you lose internet facilities you are able to listen to important news bulletins. 

Home Emergency Kit

Ready Scotland's website has a useful page on how to Create A Home Emergency Kit

Essential Contacts

All Emergency Services: 999 or 112
Police (Non- Emergency): 101
NHS 24: 111
SSEN Power Cut Line: 105 or visit the 105 website
Scottish Water: 0800 0778 778

Other Useful Contacts

Citizens Advice Scotland: 0800 028 1456

Power Tracking: SSEN

You can track a power fault in your area or let SSE know about a fault on their dedicated website PowerTrack

There's more information on SSEN's website about what to do during a power cut.

Ready Scotland

There's also information about Loss of Utilities on the Scottish Government's Ready Scotland website.

Electricity Supply Emergency Code

The UK Government has also produced a webpage which outlines the process for ensuring fair distribution of electricity should rationing be required during a prolonged period of electricity shortage. Visit Electricity Supply Emergency Code.

For Businesses

During periods of severe weather it's always important to consider Business Continuity. If you run a business, follow Ready Scotland’s Business Checklist and plan for serious disruptions to minimise any impact.