Planning permission - copyright and how we use your information
Redaction Policy
All information will be published unless it includes specific circumstances as noted below.
We will take extreme care when publishing personal data or sensitive personal data on public access.
The following types of data will be redacted (blacked out) so that it cannot be seen, in all instances, whether through electronic means or by withholding the document.
Discretion will be employed to redact any comments or information deemed derogatory or defamatory in character, including the use of salacious, slanderous or erroneous words or phrases.
We refer to unredacted copies of all information when considering a planning application.
We redact
- handwritten signatures
- personal telephone numbers including mobile phone numbers (excluding commercial or business phone numbers)
- personal email addresses (excluding commercial or business email addresses)
- photographs and images of vehicle registration plates included in a submission
- identification of vulnerable individuals, including children and youths. Such as disability registrations, certificates or medical documents
- any medical or other data about someone’s health and wellbeing or carer requirements
- personal financial information, for example bank statements
- business plans
- protected characteristics, including nationality and religious beliefs
- details of any criminal convictions
- information identifying specific sites or locations of protected birds and mammal species, sections within studies, design statements, reports
We don’t redact
- addresses
- stock images (which include vehicle registration plates, faces etc)
- related financial, business and operational information unless stated to be confidential
- developer contributions figures
- electronic signatures
- initials