Free school meals and assistance with clothing
Families can receive free school meals, and clothing grants.
All children in primary 1 to 5 and special schools receive free school meals, regardless of your income or benefit status. You do not need to apply for this.
The school clothing grant is £160 for primary school children and £172 for high school children.
Who should apply
Children in primary 1 to 5 may be entitled to a clothing grant and free school meal holiday payments if their parents or guardians are on a qualifying benefit.
P6 to S6 pupils are entitled to free school meals, clothing grants and holiday meal payments if the household receives of one of the qualifying benefits.
You can also apply if:
- you are 16 to 18 years old and receive a low income qualifying benefit
- you have no access to public funds, normally due to immigration status
- you are a family awaiting your first monthly Universal Credit award notice
Qualifying benefits
You can apply if your household receives any of these befits:
- Income support
- Income-based Job Seeker's Allowance
- Income-based Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Universal Credit (where their monthly earned income is not more than £796)
- Child Tax Credit, but not Working Tax Credit, where their income is less than £19,995
- both Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit where their income is not more than £9,552
- Pension Credit Guaranteed Credit
Scottish Child Payment
Families with children in primary 6 and 7 who receive the Scottish Child Payment can apply for free school meals that will start on the 20 February. This will be for free school meals only and not holiday payments or the clothing grant.
If you have any issues with our online application form or questions about the free school meals and clothing assistance scheme, then contact us by email at
Alternatively, our Welfare Support Team can be contacted at for advice and assistance in making an application.
Upload evidence or other documents
If you need to submit documents as evidence, select the link below to upload photos or scans of your evidence.