Leasing or selling your property to us

Residential leasing scheme

Our Residential Leasing Scheme can help meet housing needs where options are very limited. Owners lease their properties to us. We sub-let them.

This is an option for bringing empty (or second) homes, back into use.  

Properties need to:

  • meet our minimum standards for repair; energy efficiency and letting (or will do once work has been done)
  • meet a need for housing which can't be met with other options
  • be leased to us for an amount which covers our management and any future maintenance costs     

Contact your local housing office to find out if it meets this Stage 1 criteria. 

Be aware that we are taking on very few leases currently. If you are the owner of an empty property or second home, we can give you advice on other options. Contact: empty.homes@highland.gov.uk

The benefits to you

  • You can continue to be paid rent but have no direct involvement in letting the property
  • You do not have to manage the tenancy
  • We let the property and we are the landlord of the tenant
  • We deal with all aspects of the tenancy, such as collecting rent and all the extra costs associated with letting a property
  • We guarantee to give the property back in the same condition as when it is first let, at no cost to you

What you must do (these may involve a cost) 

  • Undertake works to bring the property up to our minimum standards
  • Apply to be registered as a private landlord
  • Obtain an electrical safety certificate
  • Obtain a gas safety certificate if there is any gas in the property
  • Keep the property wind and water tight