Agendas, reports and minutes

Transport, Environmental and Community Services Committee

Date: Thursday, 6 February 2014

Agenda: Transport, Environmental and Community Services Committee Agenda - 6 February 2014


A meeting of the Transport, Environmental and Community Services Committee will take place in the Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness on Thursday 6 February 2014 at 10.30 am.

Webcast Notice: This meeting will be filmed and broadcast over the Internet on the Highland Council website and will be archived and available for viewing for 12 months thereafter.

You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.

Yours faithfully

Michelle Morris
Depute Chief Executive


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest. Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3. Review  of Recycling Centres
Ath-sgrùdadh air Ionadan Ath-chuairteachaidh

There is circulated Report No TEC-1-14 (182kb pdf) dated 24 January 2014 by the Head of Waste Management detailing the outcome of the recycling centre review.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.     approve a pilot programme at Alness recycling centre to examine a range of
       ways in which the Service can identify and then eliminate the deposit of
       commercial waste;

ii.    approve a ban on the deposit of household waste which has arisen as part of
       a commercial operation (eg house clearance work);
iii.   approve the introduction of specific times/days for the deposit of waste by
       vans and trailers to ease congestion and “skip blocking”;
iv.   approve the introduction of an inspection system to ensure that residual
       waste brought to the site does not contain recyclable waste;
v.    approve the reorganisation of sites to increase the provision (space
       permitting) of recyclable containers and of materials which can be recycled;
vi.   note an application to Zero Waste Scotland has been made to examine
      alternative ways to engage with the public and improve segregation of
      recyclable materials.

4. Funding for Social Enterprises Sector Recycling Projects for 2014/15 
Maoineachadh airson Pròiseactan Ath-chuairteachaidh ann an Earrainn nan    Iomairtean Sòisealta airson 2014/15

There is circulated Report No TEC-2-14 (12kb pdf) dated 24 January 2014 by the Head of Waste Management inviting Members to approve that the current level of funding provided to Social Enterprise Groups involved in recycling is carried forward to 2014/15.

The Committee is invited to approve funding to existing social enterprises for 2014/15 as set out in the report.

5. Green Transport Strategy
Ro-innleachd Còmhdhalach Uaine

There is circulated Report No TEC-3-14 (29kb pdf) dated 24 January 2014 by the Head of Transport and Infrastructure inviting Members to approve the draft Green Transport Strategy (GTS) for consultation.  The GTS has been prepared following discussion with key stakeholders and sets outs a number of initiatives the Council is currently undertaking to ensure the Highlands plays its part in reducing carbon and other emissions which have a detrimental impact on our environment. In addition, it sets out the Council’s objectives and policies with respect to Green Transport and will make a significant contribution the Carbon Clever Highlands.

The Committee is invited to approve the draft Green Transport Strategy for consultation and agree the proposed programme for a 4 week public consultation period subject to minor post-Committee changes, including formatting, typographic and illustrative amendments agreed in consultation with the Chair of the Committee.

6. Corran Ferry - Socio Economic Study on Ferry Fares
Aiseag a’ Chorrain – Sgrùdadh Sòiseo-eaconamach air Faraidhean Aiseige

There is circulated Report No TEC-4-14 (18kb pdf) dated 28 January 2014 by the Head of Transport and Infrastructure outlining details of a socio-economic study carried out by AECOM, transport consultants, into ferry fare strategy increases for the Corran ferry.  A Presentation will be made by AECOM on the highlights and outcomes of the Study (1179kb pdf).

The Committee is invited to:-

i.    comment on the draft socio-economic study, circulated separately as Booklet
     A, and approve its issue for consultation to the local Area Committee and
     community councils within the ferry catchment; and
ii.   note that the socio-economic study will be reported back to Committee in due
     course along with responses received to the consultation to allow a strategy to
     be put in place for future fare increases.

7. Scottish Government Funding – Lighting Column Condition Survey
Maoin Riaghaltas na h-Alba – Suirbhidh Staid Cholbhan Solais

There is circulated Report No TEC-5-14 (243kb pdf) dated 27 January 2014 by the Head of Transport and Infrastructure advising Members of funding made available by the Scottish Government to carry out column condition surveys which will assist with the development of LED energy efficient improvements to street lighting, which will contribute to “Carbon Clever Highlands”.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.  note the funding allocation made available by the Scottish Government for street
    lighting; and
ii. approve the use of these funds to develop street lighting column condition
    surveys in accordance with the condition of the fund.

8. Blanket 20mph Speed Limits
Casgan Astair Coitcheann 20msa

There is circulated Report No TEC-6-14 (24kb pdf) dated 28 January 2014 by the Head of Transport and Infrastructure advising Members of the current position with regard to the regulations on speed limit orders and reports on recent developments on blanket 20 mph orders.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.  note the current strategy of developing 20 mph speed limits in accordance with
    the approved programme set out at the Transport, Environmental and
    Community Services Committee in August 2013; and
ii. review Council policy on 20 mph speed limits and report to Committee once the
    Scottish Government has issued its revised guidance on the introduction of local
    speed limits.

9. Coastal Flood Warning - Moray Firth Tidal Surge Model
Rabhadh mu Thuiltean Cladaich – Modal Bàrcadh Làin-mhara Linne Mhoireibh 

There is circulated Report No TEC-7-14 (125kb pdf) dated 23 January 2014 by the Head of Transport and Infrastructure informing Members of joint working with SEPA to develop a coastal flood warning system for the Moray Firth.  The report provides details of work being undertaken to develop a tidal surge model which will provide more accurate forecasts of critical sea levels at settlements along the coastline and information on the details, extent and content of the model.

The Committee is invited to approve:-

i.  joint working with SEPA on the development of a tidal surge model for the Moray
    Firth; and
ii. a contribution of £22k towards the cost of this model development.

10. Extensions and Improvement of Cemeteries
Leudachaidhean is Leasachaidhean Chladhan

There is circulated Report No TEC-8-14 (120kb pdf) dated 23 January 2014 by the Acting Head of Roads and Community Works inviting Members to approve the updated 10 year programme for cemetery extensions and replacements.

The Committee is invited to approve the updated programme of cemetery extensions and replacements as set out in Appendix A of the report.

11. Environmental Health Operational Plan 2014/15
Plana Gnìomhach Slàinte san Àrainneachd 2014/15

There is circulated Report No TEC-9-14 (pdf) dated 24 January 2014 by the Environmental Health Manager inviting Members to approve the Environmental Health Operational Plan for 2014/15.

The Committee is invited to approve the Environmental Health Operational Plan for 2014/15.

12. Review of Caravan Site Licensing Conditions
Ath-sgrùdadh air Cumhaichean Ceadachd Làraich Charabhanaichean

There is circulated Report No TEC-10-14 (39kb pdf) dated 23 January 2014 by the Environmental Health Manager inviting Members to agree to review and update Holiday and Touring Caravan site licence conditions in accordance with current legislation and best practice.

The Committee is invited to:-

i.  agree to review and update Holiday and Touring Caravan site licence conditions
    in accordance with current legislation and best practice;
ii. agree to adopt the Holiday and Touring Caravan site licence conditions for new
    and for new extensions to existing sites; and
iii. note for existing licensed sites, officers will consult individual proprietors on
    implementing the new conditions.

13. Conditions for Licensed Animal Establishment
Cumhaichean airson Ionad le Ceadachd Beathaichean a Chumail

There is circulated Report No TEC-11-14 (16kb pdf) dated 24 January 2014 by the Environmental Health Manager advising Members on changes to national guidance on conditions for Animal Boarding Establishments and Pet Shops and inviting Members to agree that the new conditions are adopted for premises licensed by the Council.

The Committee is invited to agree:-

i.  for cat boarding establishments, to adopt, as a guide for licence conditions for
    new and for new extensions to existing establishments, the model licence
    conditions and guidance for cat boarding establishments published in 2013 by
    the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health;
ii. for dog boarding establishments, the licence conditions for new establishments
    be amended to include a condition with a specific reference to a 50mm limit on
    aperture size (for existing establishments officers will consult individual
    proprietors on implementing this condition); and
iii. for Pet Shops, to adopt, as a guide for licence conditions for new and for new
    extensions to existing establishments, the model licence conditions and guidance
    for Pet Vending Licensing published in 2013 by the Chartered Institute of
    Environmental Health.

14. Improvement Action Plan in Response to the 2012 Employee Survey
 Plana-gnìomh Leasachaidh mar Fhreagairt do Shuirbhidh Luchd-obrach 2012

There is circulated Report No TEC-12-14 (225kb pdf) dated 27 January 2014 by the Human Resources Partner (Transport, Environmental and Community Services) inviting Members to approve an Improvement Action Plan which has been developed in response to the results of the 2012 Employee Survey following direct consultation with staff and Trade Unions within the Service.

The Committee is asked to:-

i.  approve the Improvement Plan, as detailed in Appendix D of the report; and
ii. note that these actions will be rolled forward to the new services as appropriate.

15. Scottish Government Consultation - Promoting Responsible Dog Ownership in Scotland: Micro-chipping and Other Measures
Co-chomhairle Riaghaltas na h-Alba – A’ Brosnachadh Sealbh Chunntachail Chon ann an Alba: Cleachdadh Micro-chip agus Ceumannan Eile

There is circulated Report No TEC-13-14 (79kb pdf) dated 27 January 2014 by the Environmental Health Manager inviting Members to approve the Council’s response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on “Promoting responsible dog ownership in Scotland: microchipping and other measures”.

The Committee is invited to approve the Council’s response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on “Promoting responsible dog ownership in Scotland: microchipping and other measures” as set out in Appendix 1 of the report.

16. Revenue Budget 2013/14 – Monitoring
Buidseat Teachd-a-steach 2013/14 –Sgrùdadh

There is circulated Report No TEC-14-14 (49kb pdf) dated 24 January 2014 by the Service Finance Manager inviting Members to approve the revenue budget monitoring position for the period 1 April to 31 December 2013.

The Committee is invited to approve the report and the monitoring statements which show the revenue position for the period 1 April to 31 December 2013 and the actions which have been put in place to manage the budget over the remainder of the financial year.

17. Capital Expenditure 2013/14 – Monitoring
Caiteachas Calpa 2013/14 – Sgrùdadh

There is circulated Report No TEC-15-14 (117kb pdf) dated 21 January 2014 by the Service Finance Manager inviting Members to approve the capital expenditure monitoring position for the period 1 April to 31 December 2013.

The Committee is invited to approve the capital expenditure monitoring position for the period 1 April to 31 December 2013.

18. Minutes

There is circulated, for approval, Minutes (39kb pdf) of the Fishery Harbours Management Board of 12 December 2013.

The Minutes (44kb pdf) of the Fishery Harbours Management Board of 30 January 2014 will be tabled, also for approval.

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