Agendas, reports and minutes

Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross Planning Applications and Review Committee

Date: Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Minutes: Highland Council CSER PARC Minute - 19-06-07

  • Agenda

Minutes of Meeting of the Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross

Planning Applications and Review Committee held in Assembly Rooms, Wick

on Tuesday 19th June, 2007


Mr Donald Mackay
Mr David Bremner
Mr Robert Coghill
Mr Richard Durham
Mr George Farlow
Mr William Fernie
Mr James McGilliviray
Mr Robert Rowantree
Mr William Ross
Mr Graeme Smith
Lady Marion Thurso
Mr Allan Torrance

Non Members Also Present:

Mr David Flear
Mr John Rosie

In Attendance:

Mr Ian Hargrave, Corporate Manager
Mr Allan Todd, Area Planning and Building Standards Manager
Mrs Fiona I. Sinclair, Area Solicitor
Mr Campbell Stewart, Area Roads and Community Works Manager
Mrs Jane Gunn, Planning Technician

1.      Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Mr Martin Rattray and Mrs Carolyn Wilson.

Declarations of Interest

The Chairman drew members’ attention to the Declaration of Interests section on the Agenda. 

Mr Graeme Smith intimated that he would be declaring a non-financial interest in item 2.1 on the Agenda as Chairman of Caithness Heat and Power Limited. 

Mr David Bremner intimated that he held a non-financial interest in item 3 on the Agenda as a relative of the appellant. 

2.      Planning Applications

2.1     Installation of District Heating Scheme – Cairndhuna Terrace, Kennedy Terrace, Loch Street, Macrae Street and Oldwick Road, Wick, Caithness (06/00309/FULCA)

Mr Graeme Smith declared a non-financial interest in this item as chairman of Caithness Heat and Power Limited and left the meeting.

There had been circulated report PLC-1-07  dated 5th June, 2007, by the Area Planning and Building Standards Manager, recommending approval of an application to excavate trenches and lay heating mains connecting the energy centre adjacent to Pulteney Distillery to domestic properties in Cairndhuna Terrace, Kennedy Terrace, Loch Street, Macrae Street and Oldwick Road, Wick as part of the Wick District Heating Scheme.

Mr Todd explained that fourteen letters of representation had been received, that three of these had been withdrawn and that the basis of objection in the others had been overcome by revised proposals submitted by the applicants. 

The Committee agreed to grant the application as had been recommended subject to the condition detailed in the report.

At this point Mr Smith returned to the meeting.

2.2     Change of Use from Discused Church to House – The Old Church, Bruan, Mid Clyth, Lybster, Caithness (07/00045/OUTCA)

There had been circulated report PLC-2-07 dated 7th June, 2007, by the Area Planning and Building Standards Manager, recommending approval of an application for outline consent for the change of use from a disused church to house, installation of septic tank and soakaway, upgrade of vehicular access and temporary siting of residential caravan at the Old Church, Bruan, Caithness.

Mr Todd explained that the Scottish Executive Trunk Road Network Manager had indicated that he was unable to support the proposal due to the severe visibility restrictions at the existing access.  None of the other statutory consultees had objected to the proposal and there were no unresolved objections from members of the public.   

The Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the conditions recommended in the report and subject to an additional condition to be drafted by officials to ensure that the visibility splay to the south be maintained.  The Committee noted that because there had been an unresolved objection from the Trunk Roads Authority, the application would require to be referred to Scottish Ministers.

2.3     Renewal of Planning Permission for Siting of Static Caravan – Mey Village, Mey, Caithness (07/00153/FULCA)

There had been circulated report PLC-3-07 dated 6th June, 2007, by the Area Planning and Building Standards Manager, recommending approval of an application for the renewal of planning permission for the temporary siting of an existing static caravan for a further year at Mey Village, Mey.

One letter of objection from Dunnet and Canisbay Community Council had been received.  Mr Todd explained that the caravan was to be located on site while the applicant constructed a dwellinghouse there, and that the applicant had advised that he has not commenced work due to a number of medical problems.  He explained that while he understood the concerns of the Community Council, the siting of static caravans must be renewed annually and this can be readily controlled by condition and enforcement action where necessary. 

The Committee agreed to grant the application subject to the conditions detailed in the report and subject to the amendment that the permission would endure for a limited period of six months.  The Committee further instructed Mr Todd to write to the applicant explaining that significant progress in the construction of the house would be expected during the six month period.

2.4     Change of Use from Former Funeral Parlour to Café and Shop, Erection of Rear Extension and Conversion of First Floor to Flat – Gordon House, High Street, Dornoch, Sutherland (07/00098/FULSU

There had been circulated report PLC-5-07  dated 12th June, 2007, by the Area Planning and Building Standards Manager, recommended refusal of an application for the change of use of a former funeral parlour to a café and shop, erection of a rear extension and conversion of first floor to form a flat at Gordon House, High Street, Dornoch.

Mr Todd explained that there were no objections to the application from members of the public or from the Community Council, and that the application was referred to Committee because the overall scale and massing of the proposed extension and alterations to the existing building are not considered appropriate.   The Conservation Architect had expressed concern regarding the scale of the proposed extension and its relationship to the existing building.  Although the building is not listed it is located in a Conservation Area. 

Following discussion, Mr W J Ross, seconded by Mr A Torrance, proposed the motion that the Committee agree to grant the application with delegated authority to officials to attach appropriate conditions to the consent for the reasons that there were no objections from members of the public to the proposal, the proposed development would make a vast improvement to the street frontage of the building, and a sympathetic use of materials was proposed for the development.  The Committee so agreed.      

3.      Planning Appeal – Erection of Dwellinghouse at Longberry, Old Wick, Wick, Caithness

There had been circulated copy of letter dated 4th June, 2007, from the Scottish Executive Inquiry Reporters Unit dismissing the appeal against refusal of planning permission for the erection of a dwellinghouse with integral garage, installation of septic tank and soakaway, and formation of vehicular access at Longberry, Old Wick. Wick.

The Committee noted the terms of the letter.

4.      Planning Appeal – Demolition of Ruinous Dwelling for the Erection of a New Dwellinghouse at Humster, Newton Row, Wick, Caithness

There had been circulated copy of letter dated 5th June, 2007, from the Scottish Executive Inquiry Reporters Unit dismissing the appeal against refusal of planning permission for the demolition of ruinous dwelling, erection of new dwellinghouse, formation of new access, and installation of septic tank and soakaway at Humster, Newton Row, Wick.

The Committee noted the terms of the letter.

5.      Planning Appeal – Erection of Dwellinghouse at Plot 6, Eiden, Rogart, Sutherland

There had been circulated copy of letter dated 5th June, 2007, from the Scottish Executive Inquiry Reporters Unit dismissing the appeal against refusal of planning permission for the erection of dwellinghouse at Plot 6, Eiden, Rogart.

The Committee noted the terms of the letter.

6.      Schedule of Meetings - 2007

There had been circulated report PLC-4-07 dated 8th June, 2007, by the Area Solicitor setting out a draft schedule of meetings for the remainder of 2007.

The Committee agreed to the proposed schedule of dates as follows and invited the Area Solicitor to arrange appropriate venues on a rota basis: 

Date of Meeting - Last date for Submission of reports

19 June 2007 - 7 June 2007

26 June 2007 (special meeting) - 14 June 2007

28 August 2007 - 16 August 2007

18 September 2007 - 6 September 2007

23 October 2007 - 11 October 2007

20 November 2007 - 8 November 2007

18 December 2007 - 6 December 2007

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