Agendas, reports and minutes

Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee

Date: Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Minutes: Read the Minutes (Items 15 to 24)

15.   Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme
Sgeama Ath-bheothachaidh Sgìre Ghleidhteachais

Declaration of Interest:

Mr J Gray, as Chair of the Inverness City Heritage Trust, declared a non-financial interest in relation to this item but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that his interest did not preclude his involvement in the discussion.

There had been circulated Report No. PDI-30/14 dated 5 August 2014 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure advising that Historic Scotland had launched its 6th Round of the Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS) and was seeking applications by the end of August 2014.  The report recommended that a bid be submitted to secure Historic Scotland match funding for the Regenerating Inverness City Centre (RICC) project.

The report reminded Members of progress to date on the RICC project and acknowledged that it had initially been envisaged that Historic Scotland (HS) match funding, necessary for the project to proceed, would be secured via the annual grant to Inverness City Heritage Trust (ICHT).  Due to uncertainty that had arisen as to ICHT’s funding position, HS had advised the Council to apply for CARS funding to secure this match.  Since then, however, HS had also agreed, in principle, to direct the requested funds via ICHT.  Given this ambiguity, it was considered prudent for the Council to apply itself for CARS funding for the RICC project.  If, as was anticipated, details were agreed to secure HS grant via ICHT, then the CARS application would be withdrawn.

The Committee AGREED that a CARS application be submitted for the Regenerating Inverness City Centre project.

16.   The Land of Scotland and the Common Good – Report of the Land Reform Review Group
Fearann na h-Alba agus Mathas Coitcheann – Aithisg bhon Bhuidhinn Mheasaidh air Ath-leasachadh Fearainn

There had been circulated Report No. PDI-31/14 dated 11 July 2014 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure reminding Members that the Council’s programme ‘Working Together for the Highlands 2012 - 2017’ committed the Council to continue supporting the cause of land reform and thus to engage in the land reform debate in Scotland and at the UK level.  The report recalled that the Council had contributed to the Scottish Government’s Land Reform Review Group (LRRG) enquiry and advised that the Group’s Report, which had been published in May 2014, contained 62 recommendations and addressed many of the issues previously raised by the Council as being important if the Scottish Government’s 2020 target of 1million acres in community ownership was to be achieved. 

The report outlined the remit of the LRRG, detailed its recommendations, and highlighted those of particular relevance to local authorities: the extent of public lands; Common Good lands; local community land rights; community acquisition costs; urban renewal; new housing; the pattern of rural land ownership; and land taxation, payments and markets. It also drew attention to the potential opportunities presented by the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill to implement some of the LRRG recommendations relatively quickly, and to relevant Council activity since the publication of the LRRG Report, including ongoing joint working with Community Land Scotland in taking forward the land reform agenda.

The report advised that, in relation to land and community development, the LRRG had recommended the establishment of a short-term working group tasked with the improvement of information on the numbers and types of community land owners and the land that they owned, and the development of a strategy for the achievement of the Scottish Government’s 2020 target.  It was recommended that the Council seek a place on this group; however, any decision as to who would take up this place, were it offered, would await further clarification as to the role and remit of the working group.

Comments made in discussion included:

  • The proposed commitment to work with the Scottish Government did not of itself imply support for all of the Government’s specific proposals.
  • The proposals to curtail the role of the Crown Estate in Scotland were particularly welcome.
  • Land Reform could bring benefits for urban as well as rural areas.

After discussion, the Committee NOTED the extensive remit of the Land Reform Review Group and the wide ranging recommendations made by that Group; and AGREED:

     i.    to commit to working with the Scottish Government, and others, wherever appropriate, to extend the
           impacts and benefits of land reform in Scotland;
     ii.   that the Council seek a place on the proposed short-term working group to be set up to develop the
           strategy for delivery of the Scottish Government’s 1million acre target by 2020; and 
  iii.   that a Members’ workshop be set up in November 2014, with Community Land Scotland partners, to 
consider in more detail the recommendations of the Land Reform Review Group and how the Council
           could contribute most effectively going forward.

17.   Housing Development Initiatives
Iomairtean Leasachaidh Taigheadais

Declarations of Interest:

As a Council House tenant, Mr G Farlow declared a financial interest in this item but, in terms of the dispensation granted by the Standards Commission, remained to participate in the discussion.

Dr A Sinclair, as a Member of the Management Committee of the Lochalsh and Skye Housing Association, declared a non-financial interest in this item but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that her interest did not preclude her involvement in the discussion.

There had been circulated Report No. PDI-33/14 dated 4 August 2014 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure confirming the purchase of a site in Fort William and seeking approval for a further site purchase and for loans to be offered to support development of affordable housing. The report also sought approval to proceed with a development of 8 flats in Alness.

The report reminded Members that the Council held a Landbank Fund, used to enable affordable housing to be delivered, either through loans and grants to partner housing organisations or directly to part fund the provision of new council housing. The Fund, originally set up using a £5million grant from the then Scottish Executive and £5million from housing land sales, was supplemented each year through income from Council Tax monies from second and holiday homes and had to be used to provide additional affordable housing, directly or indirectly. It could be used to acquire land and properties, fund infrastructure, forward fund projects ahead of finance being available, or part-fund specific or high cost projects which would otherwise not proceed. It was proposed that the projects detailed in the report be funded from the Landbank.

The Committee NOTED the purchase of the former Whisky Centre, High Street, Fort William; and AGREED:

i.    the purchase of the former Belhaven Ward, Belford Road, Fort William for £200,000;
ii.   that a loan of up to £54,000 be offered to Lochalsh and Skye Housing Association to support
      redevelopment of a site on Main Street, Kyle;
iii.   that a loan of up to £240,000 be offered to The Highlands Small Communities Housing Trust to assist in
     development of 4 houses in Alness; and
iv.  that a development of 8 flats be progressed on a site at Kendal Crescent, Alness, through partnership with
     JNE Space systems.

18.   Food Standards Agency Audit Report of Official Controls on Feed
Buidheann nan Inbhean Bìdh Aithisg Sgrùdaidh air Smachdan Biathaidh

There had been circulated PDI-34/14 dated 19 May 2014 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure recording the results of an audit of the Highland Council with regard to animal feed law enforcement. The audit had focused on the Service’s arrangements for inland controls of feed and primary production of both food and feed. The audit had been undertaken as part of the Food Standards Agency’s focused audit programme of feed controls in Scotland. An Action Plan, which also detailed the action taken to date, had been appended as Annex A to the audit report, which itself had been circulated as Appendix 1 to the Director’s report.

The Committee NOTED the content of the Food Standards Agency Audit Report of Official Controls on Feed; and APPROVED the Action Plan appended as Annex A to the Audit Report.

19.   Internal Audit Final Report - Inspection of Equipment in Schools
Aithisg In-sgrùdaidh Dheireannach – Sgrùdadh air Uidheam Sgoiltean

There had been circulated Report No. PDI-35/14 dated 8 August 2014 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure informing Members as to the objectives and findings of the Audit Report issued by the Internal Audit Section on their Inspection of Equipment in Schools, and providing an updating on progress against the resulting Action Plan, circulated as Appendix 2 to the report. The Audit Report Summary – Appendix 1 to the report – had previously been considered by the Audit and Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 19 June 2014 and would also be considered by the Education, Children and Adult Services Committee on 28 August 2014.

The audit had examined the contractual management arrangements in respect of the Inspection and Testing of Plant, Equipment and Fixed Electrical Installations contract that had been in place at that time, and had found that the contract had historically not been appropriately administered and scrutinised, with appropriate steps taken to resolve issues. These findings had related to the arrangements that had been in place prior to a re-tendering exercise in January 2013, and thus many of the issues raised had already been resolved through the introduction of new contracts. Most of the actions identified now fell to the new Development and Infrastructure Service.

The Committee NOTED the findings of the Audit Report presented to the Audit and Scrutiny Committee on 19 June 2014 and the action being taken to implement the recommendations.

20.   Highland Economic Forum – Minutes of Meeting of 25 November 2013
Fòram Eaconamach na Gàidhealtachd – Gheàrr-chunntas Coinneamh 25 Samhain 2013

Mr T Prag, as Chair of the Highland Economic Forum, declared a non-financial interest in this item but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that his interest did not preclude his involvement in the discussion.

There had been circulated and were NOTED Minutes of meeting of the Highland Economic Forum held on 25 November 2013.

21.   Caithness and North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership Advisory Board – Minutes of Meeting of 19 March 2014
Bòrd Comhairleachaidh Com-pàirteachas Ath-bheothachaidh Ghallaibh agus Chataibh a Tuath – Geàrr-chunntas bhon Choinneimh air 19 Màrt 2014

Declarations of Interest:

Mr D Hendry, as Chair of the Caithness and North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership Advisory Board, and Mr T Prag, as a member of that Board, each declared a non-financial interest in this item but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, each concluded that his interest did not preclude his involvement in the discussion.

There had been circulated and were NOTED Minutes of meeting of the Caithness and North Sutherland Regeneration Forum held on 19 March 2014.

22.   Minutes

There had been circulated and were NOTED Minutes of the Planning Applications Committees (PACs) for:-

i. South PAC – 8 April, 2014
ii. North PAC – 29 April, 2014
iii. South PAC – 20 May, 2014
iv. North PAC – 10 June 2014
v. North PAC – 14 July 2014

23.   Exclusion of the Public
Às-dùnadh a’ Phobaill

The Committee RESOLVED that, under Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 6 and 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.

24.   Property Transactions Monitoring Report
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Ghnothachasan Seilbhe

There had been circulated to Members only Report No. PDI-36/14 dated 4 August 2014 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure providing Members with details of the General Fund and Property Account transactions approved by the Head of Property Partnerships and Corporate Property Asset Manager under delegated authority. The report also advised Members on sales targeted for completion within the financial year 2014/15 and future years.

The Committee APPROVED the monitoring statements for the General Fund and Property Account transactions approved by the Head of Property Partnerships and Corporate Property Asset Manager under delegated authority, Budgeted Sales for 2014/15, and Future Years Sales.

The meeting ended at 3.05 p.m., having adjourned for lunch between 1.30 p.m. and 2.15 p.m.