Agendas, reports and minutes

Education, Children and Adult Services Committee

Date: Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Education, Children and Adult Services Committee will take place in the Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness on Wednesday 26 October 2016 at 10.05 am.

Webcast Notice: This meeting will be filmed and broadcast over the Internet on the Highland Council website and will be archived and available for viewing for 12 months thereafter.

You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.

Please note that a workshop by NHS Highland regarding Performance Indicators for Adult Social Care, open to all Members, will take place from 1.30 pm – 2.00 pm.

In addition, a Seminar on the Management of Schools Programme will take place on 25 October from 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm in the Chamber.

Yours faithfully

Michelle Morris
Depute Chief Executive/
Director of Corporate Development 


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest. Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3. Presentation: Drug and Alcohol Services – The Road to Recovery
Taisbeanadh: Seirbheisean Dhrogaichean is Deoch Làidir – An Rathad gu Ath-shlànachadh

The Highland Alcohol and Drugs Partnership is the multi-agency strategic partnership focussed on alcohol and drugs misuse issues in the Council area.  It is responsible for developing, implementing and reviewing the local strategy, to ensure that we support recovery, maximise heath, and protect children, families and communities. 

The presentation by Debbie Stewart (HADP Co-ordinator) and Suzy Calder (Head of Service - Substance Misuse, NHS Highland) will focus on outcomes and achievements from the strategy, including recovery pathways, treatment options, challenges and current trends. 

4. Outstanding Achievements
Coileanaidhean Air Leth

Members will be informed about outstanding achievements by people and groups, to be noted and commended by the Committee.

5. Emerging Literacy
Litearrachd a’ Tighinn am Bàrr

There is circulated Report No ECAS/61/16 dated 10 October 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning supporting a presentation and describing work done by a range of services, including teachers and Allied Health Professionals to provide resources that enable teachers in P1 onwards to adapt literacy teaching to the developmental status of their pupils.  It covers the rollout of the approach to Emerging Literacy, early evaluation data and the extension of the work to the Northern Alliance local authorities.

The Committee is invited to:-

i. note the work done to support developmentally appropriate teaching and learning in literacy in the early level;
ii.note the unique partnership of education, health and other professionals in improving literacy outcomes for young children;
iii. note the developments across the Northern alliance and the lead role played by Highland staff in this; and
iv. agree to endorse the direction of travel and agree to receive further reports on progress and effectiveness of the approach to emerging literacy.

6. High Life Highland Monitoring Report
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh High Life na Gàidhealtachd

There is circulated Report No ECAS/62/16 dated 14 October 2016 by the Chief Executive of High Life Highland presenting information on the performance of High Life Highland during the operating period April to October 2016 and providing general updates since the last report in May 2016 and information on the High Life leisure and library membership schemes. 

The Committee is invited to note:-

i. that High Life Highland has met or exceeded the outcomes expected in the Service Delivery Contract with the Council for the period April to October 2016;
ii. the general updates since the last report in May 2016; and
iii. the reach of the High Life Highland leisure and library membership schemes in serving an estimated 51% of the Highland population and in reaching mid to low earning families and individuals in Highland.

7. Revenue Budget - Monitoring 2016/17
Buidseat Teachd-a-steach – Sgrùdadh 2016/17

There is circulated Report No ECAS/63/16 dated 17 October 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning providing an update on the Care and Learning revenue budget position to the end of September 2016, including in relation to Looked After Children/Out of Authority Placements, 3rd sector Leisure and Culture funding, Special School Budgets, and staff resources for Early Learning and Childcare expansion.

The Committee is invited to:-

i. note the forecast out-turn for the 2016/17 financial year;
ii. agree the Red/Amber/Green (RAG) status of budget savings;
iii. note the update provided in relation to Looked After Children;
iv. agree the funding allocations for 3rd sector culture and leisure services;
v. note the update in relation to Special School budgets, and the actions being taken to review budget and spending; and
vi. agree the post to provide additional support for expansion of Early Learning and Childcare.

8. Care and Learning Capital Programme - Monitoring Report
Caiteachas Calpa – Sgrùdadh 

There is circulated Report No ECAS/64/16 dated 17 October 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning advising on the position of the Care and Learning capital programme as at the end of September 2016.  It also outlines the current status of the major projects that are underway and updates on progress with identifying future capital investment priorities. Finally, the report seeks approval for recommendations on several specific matters.

The Committee is invited to consider the capital monitoring report and agree:-

i. additional funding up to £100,000 is allocated from the Adult Services budget for additional roofing and other works at the Wade Centre as detailed in Paragraph 2.6 of the report;
ii. to delegate responsibility to either the Director of Care and Learning or the Director of Finance, in consultation with either the Chair of the Resources or Education, Children and Adult Services Committees, for the completion and submission of a New Project Request for Alness Academy as detailed in Section 2.8 of the report;
iii. funding is drawn down from the Life Cycle Investment and Roll Pressures budgets to allow detailed design work to commence on several schools projects as detailed in Section 3.1 of the report;
iv. a letter of comfort be provided to Strontian Community School Build Ltd outlining the Council’s willingness in principle to lease the facility on the broad terms as outlined within the report (exact lease terms will be subject to detailed negotiation) as detailed in Section 3.5 of the report;
v. the allocation of funding to the projects referred to in Section 3.6 of the report; and
vi. the former janitor’s house at Grantown Grammar School is declared surplus to operational requirements as detailed in Paragraph 4.1 of the report.

9. Performance Report - Children's Services 
Aithisg Choileanaidh - Seirbheisean Chloinne

There is circulated Report No ECAS/65/16 dated 13 October 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning providing an update on the performance framework for Children’s Services.

The Committee is invited to consider and comment on this performance information.

10. Children's Services - Assurance Report
Seirbheisean Chloinne – Aithisg Bharantais

There is circulated Report No ECAS/66/16 dated 12 October 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning providing assurance to NHS Highland in relation to services commissioned and delivered through Highland Council.  The content of each assurance report is informed by the Highland Health and Social Care Committee and discussion with the Child Health Commissioner.

The Committee is invited to consider and comment on the issues raised in this report.  Comments will be incorporated into a report to NHS Highland as part of the revised governance arrangements.

11. Standards and Quality Report 2015/16
Aithisg Inbhean agus Càileachd 2015/16

There is circulated Report No ECAS/67/16 dated 17 October 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning introducing the Standards and Quality Report and identifying next steps and areas for improvement across the Service.

The Committee is invited to note and comment on the contents of the Standards and Quality Report 2015/16.

12. Care at Home Development Fund
Maoin Co-iomlaid Ionnsachadh Coimhearsnachd

There is circulated Joint Report No ECAS/68/16 dated 17 October 2016 by the Director of Strategic Commissioning, Planning and Performance (NHSH) and the Director of Care and Learning describing the development of an innovative approach to developing community based care at home services.

The Committee is invited to note the development of a Community Care at Home Development Fund and agree to support local initiatives.

13. Achfary Primary School - Outcome of Statutory Consultation
Bun-Sgoil Achadh Fairidh – Toradh na Co-chomhairle Reachdail

There is circulated Report No ECAS/69/16 dated 17 October 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning setting out, following conclusion of the statutory consultation process, a recommendation to discontinue the provision of education at Achfary Primary School and to re-assigning its catchment area to that of Scourie Primary School.  

The Committee is invited to consider the proposal set out within the Consultation Report and associated appendices and, having given consideration to further representations received, agree to recommend to the Council that the Council discontinue education provision at Achfary Primary School, reassigning its catchment area to that of Scourie Primary School.

14. Dunvegan Primary School - Proposal to proceed to Statutory Consultation on Relocating the School
Bun-Sgoil Dhùn Bheagain - Moladh airson Co-chomhairle Reachdail 

There is circulated Report No ECAS/70/16 dated 18 October 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning seeking agreement to proceed to a statutory consultation, under the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010, on a proposal to relocate Dunvegan Primary School.

The Committee is invited to consider the report and attached proposal and agree to proceed to statutory consultation, per the requirements of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010, regarding the proposal for relocating Dunvegan Primary School.

15. Staffing in Family Teams in Children’s Services
Luchd-obrach Sgiobaidhean Teaghlaich

There is circulated Report No ECAS/71/16 dated 17 October 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning providing detail on the staffing pressures within the Family Teams, further to information provided at the last meeting of the Council.

The Committee is invited to scrutinise and comment on the information provided.

16. Self-Directed Support
Taic Fèin-Stiùirichte

There is circulated Report No ECAS/72/16 dated 17 October 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning providing an update on Self Directed Support, including the development of brokerage services for children and young people and making recommendations on this, the possibility of introducing charges and a change to the SDS decision making process for in high cost cases.

The Committee is invited to agree:-

i. that charges are not introduced for families accessing Self Directed Support, respite or other directly provided services from Highland Council;
ii. that further work is carried out to develop a Community brokerage proposal to be brought to a future committee meeting; and
iii. to endorse the arrangement that high cost packages over the Resource Allocation System limit require the approval of the Care and Learning Manager.

17. Minutes

The following Minutes are circulated for noting or approval as appropriate:-

i. Highland Council/NHS Highland Joint Monitoring Committee – 19 April 2016 (draft for noting);
ii. Highland Alcohol and Drugs Partnership Strategy Group – 3 May 2016 (for noting);
iii. Highland Child Protection Committee – 24 May 2016 (for noting);
iv. Duncraig Trust Scheme Sub-Committee – 31 August 2016 (for noting);
v. Community Justice Partnership – 1 September 2016 (draft for noting); and
vi. Adult Services Development and Scrutiny Sub-Committee – 16 September 2016 (for approval).