Agendas, reports and minutes

City of Inverness Area Committee

Date: Thursday, 31 May 2018

Minutes: Read the Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of the City of Inverness Area Committee held in the Council Chamber, Town House, Inverness on Thursday, 31 May 2018 at 10.00am.

Mr R Balfour, Mr B Boyd, Mrs C Caddick, Miss J Campbell, Mrs G Campbell-Sinclair, Mrs H Carmichael, Mr A Christie, Mrs M Davidson, Mr K Gowans, Mr A Graham,Mr J Gray, Ms E Knox, Mr R Laird, Mrs I MacKenzie, Mr D Macpherson, Mrs B McAllister, Mrs T Robertson, Mr G Ross, Mr C Smith .

Officials in Attendance:
Mr S Black, Director of Development & Infrastructure
Mr D Haas, Inverness City Area Manager
Mr C Howell, Head of Infrastructure
Mr S Dalgarno, Development Plans Manager
Mr C Baxter, Planning Officer
Mr G MacCormick, Senior Environmental Health Officer
Mr J Kelman, Principal Project Manager
Mr P Mascarenhas, Community and Democratic Engagement Manager
Mr H Gardner, Bereavement Services Manager
Ms J Murray, Victorian Market Manager
Ms J Willars, Policy & Assurance Officer
Miss J MacLennan, Democratic Services Manager
Mr A MacInnes, Administrative Assistant

Also in attendance:
Mr Chris O’Neill, Principal of Inverness College UHI
Mr G Morrison, Group Manager, Scottish Fire & Rescue Service 

An asterisk in the margin denotes a recommendation to the Council.  All decisions with no marking in the margin are delegated to Committee.

Mrs H Carmichael in the Chair


Prior to the commencement of the formal business, the Provost & City Leader paid tribute to the former Provosts Allan G Sellar and William A E Fraser who had both passed away in March 2018.

The Committee also offered congratulations to Mr Colin Baillie who had recently been awarded the Freedom of Inverness.


1. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Mr I Brown, Mr G Cruickshank, Mr A Jarvie and Mr R MacWilliam.

2. Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

The Committee NOTED the following declarations of interest:-

Items 3 & 4 - Mr K Gowans (financial)
Item 4 - Mr C Smith (non-financial)
Item 11 - Mr J Gray and Miss J Campbell (both non-financial)
Item 15 - Mrs M Davidson (financial)
Item 19 - Mr D Macpherson (non-financial)

3. Presentation – Inverness College UHI
Taisbeanadh – UHI

Declaration of Interest - Mr K Gowans declared a financial interest in this item as an employee of Inverness College UHI but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that his interest did not preclude him from taking part in the discussion.   

Mr Chris O’Neill, Principal of Inverness College UHI, undertook a presentation at the meeting on the work being undertaken by Inverness College UHI to deliver on the vision and the objectives of the College, with a focus on how these tied in with those for the City and Area.

Following the presentation, and during discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • this had been an excellent and extremely informative presentation and it would be appreciated if a copy could be circulated to all Members following the meeting;
  • there was a need for the Council and UHI to work together in order to improve outcomes for both organisations and for the Highland population as a whole;
  • there were opportunities for the Council to highlight issues as part of the new Programme which would follow later in the year;
  • among the challenges facing the Council would be the situation for the ever expanding Highland area post Brexit and leadership and vision would be required in this regard;
  • it had to be highlighted that Local Members were best placed to provide links into their respective communities and it was suggested that this could be discussed further with UHI in terms of future possibilities;
  • as part of the strengthening of current links with schools across the area, there had to be focus on transport issues which continued to cause problems;
  • consideration of regional powers post Brexit would be especially important and as such early discussion on this with UHI would be welcomed;
  • tourism was thriving in the Highlands and it would be important to build on this and offer as many new opportunities as possible in the area in future;
  • encouraging entrepreneurship in the Highland would be crucial in the coming months and years and should be supported whenever and wherever possible;
  • there were opportunities around the ageing population in the area and reference was made to the current focus on health and social care issues, including home care, which was being led by communities at present;
  • there were examples of successful regeneration elsewhere, including Birmingham, and these offered important guidance in how to achieve success;
  • regular teacher training in the area was essential in order to encourage young people to remain in the Highlands;
  • consideration should be given to future engagement by Inverness UHI with the Community Safety Partnership which it was felt would be beneficial for all concerned;
  • the inclusive approach to vulnerable young people within the community was welcomed;
  • there was a need to encourage businesses to relocate to the Highlands wherever possible; and
  • there should be a focus on providing more rental accommodation in the area and bringing empty properties back into use for this purpose if possible.                 

Thereafter, and having thanked Mr O’Neill for his attendance at the meeting and his presentation, the Committee otherwise NOTED the position.

4. Developing Economic Links with Augsburg - Update  
A’ Leasachadh Cheangalan Eaconamach le Augsburg – Cunntas às Ùr

Declarations of interest - Mr K Gowans declared a financial interest in this item as an employee of Inverness College UHI and Mr C Smith declared a non-financial interest as a member of the Inverness Town Twinning Committee but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that their interests did not preclude them from taking part in the discussion.   

There had been circulated Joint Report No CIA/15/18 dated 15 May 2018 by the Director of Development & Infrastructure and the Inverness Area City Manager.

Following a presentation of the report, and during discussion, Members thanked the Officers concerned for the excellent report which had been submitted and highlighted the need to fully support this important initiative.

In this regard, reference was made to the significant opportunities which existed and it was confirmed that there was a need to take full advantage of the excellent links, both economic and cultural, which existed with Augsburg.

Thereafter, the Committee NOTED the contents of the report and AGREED to support the continued development of economic links with Augsburg and to work with partners to ensure that the initial activity undertaken by the Council was developed and built upon.

The Committee also AGREED to the commitment of additional resources to a maximum of £10,000 from the Inverness Common Good Fund to compliment the Development & Infrastructure Service and Highland & Islands Enterprise financial input.

5. Scottish Fire and Rescue Service – Area Performance Summary 
Seirbheis Smàlaidh agus Teasairginn na h-Alba – Geàrr-chunntas Coileanadh Sgìreil

There had been circulated Report No CIA/16/18 dated 9 May 2018 by the Local Senior Officer for Highland.

Following a presentation of the report, and during discussion, information was sought and received on the number of false alarms over the reporting year, most of which were unwanted fire alarm signals. In this regard, it was confirmed that a new policy which required Service personnel to work closely with duty holders in order to reduce the impact of these events had been implemented locally and was having a positive impact.

Information was also provided on achieving the priorities within the Local Plan for the City, including the delivery of free fire safety visits, post domestic incident response and the Driving Ambition road safety programme.   

Thereafter, the Committee otherwise NOTED the City of Inverness Performance Report for Q3 and Q4 of 2017-18 as circulated.

5a. Inverness Community Safety Partnership (ICSP)

There had been circulated Joint Report No CIA/16a/18 dated 16 May 2018 by the Inverness City Area Manager and the Area Commander (Highland and Islands Division, Police Scotland, Inverness).

The Committee NOTED the work of the Inverness Community Safety Partnership for 2017 and endorsed the work of the Operation Respect Daytime Group as detailed in the report. 

It was also NOTED that, with the formation of the local community partnership, the governance, tasking delivery and accountability would be enhanced if aligned to the Inverness Community Partnership. Whilst a formal approach to the Chair of the said Partnership would be required, early indications were that this approach would be well received. In this regard, Members would continue to receive an annual update on the work of the Partnership in addition to any updates as part of regular Police and Fire scrutiny reports.

6. Inverness East Development Brief                                                       
Brath Leasachaidh Inbhir Nis an Ear

There had been circulated Report No CIA/17/18 dated 21 May 2018 by the Director of Development & Infrastructure.

Following a presentation of the report, and during discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • whilst welcoming the terms of the report as circulated, it was hoped that further development of sports facilities in the Culloden area could be undertaken in due course; 
  • further clarification of boundary lines in the Resaurie area was required following concerns raised by residents in the area;
  • there were proposals for 4 storey housing in the Ashton area and it was suggested that this should be changed as it was not considered appropriate;
  • the consultation exercise which had been undertaken was welcomed as was the proposed introduction of sports facilities on the east side of the City;
  • it would be important to ensure that green spaces were maintained/available as part of the future development of the area;
  • there had been concerns raised by the residents of Ashton Farm in terms of the location of future development and it would be helpful if these could be addressed at an early date;
  • it had been noted that there would be a very high railway bridge as part of the new proposals and it was suggested that consultation should be undertaken with Network Rail on cost/contribution and location;
  • there was a particular need for green space around the Stratton Primary School;
  • further clarification was required in terms of developer contributions; and
  • it would be helpful if concerns about the density of housing in the area which had come from some local residents could be addressed.     

Thereafter, the Committee NOTED the summary of comments received on the Brief and AGREED the Council responses as set out in Appendix 1 to the report and to adopt the Inverness East Development Brief at Appendix 2 as part of the Development Plan (subject to any non-factual amendments or formatting changes and clearance by Scottish Ministers) and that the Brief be used as a material consideration for planning decisions and advice with immediate effect.

It was also AGREED that further detail should be provided for Members on the proposed development of 4 storey houses as mentioned in the report (which were not felt to be acceptable as part of the design going forward and should be reduced to 2 and 3 storey buildings as an alternative).  

7. West Link Stage 2
An Ceangal an Iar Ceum 2 – Cunntas às Ùr

There had been circulated Report No CIA/18/18 dated 16 May 2018 by the Director of Development & Infrastructure

Following a presentation of the report, and during discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • consideration should be given to making use of the Torvean Q uarry area in future if possible;
  • there was temporary car parking in the area at present and consideration should be given to making this permanent;
  • this was an example of a model infrastructure project by the Council and should be replicated by other projects in future;
  • there was a need to avoid any unnecessary changes to the project at this stage in view of the potential cost and timescale implications;
  • the arrangement of a further Briefing/Workshop for Members would be helpful in terms of discussing future options for the area and this should also involve local groups and members of the community;
  • congratulations had to be conveyed to the current Officers (and the previous Officers who had worked on this project) for the exemplary work which had been undertaken;
  • there was a need for density of housing in addition to open spaces;
  • the local community had to be involved in proposals for leisure facilities and the provision of open spaces in particular;
  • there had been misgivings at the start of this project in relation to the option which had been chosen but this had been a really successful project for all concerned and this had to be acknowledged; and
  • the inclusive approach which had been adopted throughout had to be continued in regard to the future development of the area.     

Thereafter, the Committee:-

(i) NOTED progress with the delivery of the Phase 2 West Link Road project and the intention to submit further information through the planning process required under the conditions attached to the existing planning permission;
(ii) AGREED in principle that the detail of the proposed Jacobite Cruises building be deferred to allow further discussion with Jacobite Cruises in conjunction with Scottish Canals, subject to formal consideration under the planning process;
(iii) AGREED that a new planning application be submitted to enable the provision of an additional leg on the proposed Torvean Roundabout to allow vehicular access to the Canal towpath south of the new swing bridge and to provide temporary overflow parking off this additional leg, the proposal to deliver a recreational/fitness network on the area covered by holes 5-8 as an early project (subject to securing appropriate funding) with progress being reported back at the appropriate time and the proposals to consult on a possible amendment to the Torvean and Ness-side Development Brief in the coming months on the future use of land soon to be vacated by Torvean Golf Club; and
(iv) AGREED that a further Briefing/Workshop on Stage 2 should be provided for Members in due course.

8. Inverness City Centre Trade Waste Policy - Update
Sgudal Malairt – Aithisg Ùrachaidh Pìleatach

There had been circulated Report No CIA/19/18 dated 11 May 2018 by the Director of Community Services

Following a presentation of the report, and during discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • this was an excellent example of partnership working between the Council and others within the City;
  • consideration had to be given to the need to avoid blocking fire exits in any new bin storage areas;
  • exemptions from the policy should be a last resort but it was accepted that they might need to be considered in some cases;
  • it had to be highlighted that there were some businesses who were still not complying with the policy and this had to be addressed as a matter of urgency if possible;
  • there was a need to find ways to encourage members of the public to use the bins which had been provided in the evenings in particular;
  • there was still a problem with seagulls and pigeons in the City Centre and it was hoped that this could be addressed;
  • it would be helpful if ‘before’ and ‘after’ photographs could be displayed on the Council Website to highlight improvements;
  • it was imperative that a robust attitude was maintained in relation to the current policy and that any exemptions were kept to a minimum;
  • clarification would be helpful in terms of rolling out the policy to other parts of the City;
  • it was important that the footpaths and pavements were kept clear for pedestrians and not used for bin storage;
  • consideration should be given to linking this policy with the general waste strategy in future;
  • further action should be taken to encourage the use of and highlight the availability of vehicles in the evening for the collection of waste (in addition to the morning collections); and
  • a full review of the policy should be undertaken and reported to the meeting scheduled for 22 November 2018.        

Thereafter, the Committee NOTED progress with the implementation of the trade waste policy as provided and that a formal and full review of the policy would be undertaken and presented to the meeting on 22 November 2018.

9. Victorian Market Annual Report/Action Plan
Aithisg Bhliadhnail/Plana-gnìomh na Margaidh Bhictòrianaich

There had been circulated Joint Report No CIA/20/18 dated 15 May 2018 by the Director of Development & Infrastructure and the Inverness City Area Manager.

Following a presentation of the report, and during discussion, it was suggested that consideration should be given to the statistics relating to footfall in the Market and transaction numbers throughout the year as a measurement of success.

Also, and with specific reference to the Lettings Framework within the Action Plan, it was suggested that care should be taken in relation to the proposal to set parameters or thresholds for similar uses and shop types 

Thereafter, the Committee AGREED to the continued development of the ‘branding’ of the Victoria Market as described in the report and the development of a business case for the remodelling of the Market Hall.

Members also NOTED the draft project programme attached as Appendix 3 to the report on the basis that further reports would be submitted on progress to the project programme as required.

10. Town House Works Programme Phase 3
Ath-leasachadh Taigh a’ Bhaile Ceum 3

There had been circulated Joint Report No CIA/21/18 dated 31 May 2018 by the Director of Development & Infrastructure and the Inverness City Area Manager.

Following a presentation of the report, and during discussion, Members thanked the Principal Project Manager and his team for the work which had been undertaken to date.

Information was also sought and received on the installation of the new windows which would comply with energy efficiency standards and it was confirmed that, where possible during Phase 3 of the works, contractors would be encouraged to use local suppliers. 

*Thereafter, the Committee AGREED in principle – and subject to full Council agreement – to proceed to tender for Phase 3 (with a total estimated project cost of £3,304,083.58 for all the remaining sections of the Town House) and with a further third party funding application to Historic Environment Scotland

11. Inverness Townscape Heritage Project
Pròiseact Dualchas Sealladh-baile Sràid na h-Acadamaidh

Declarations of Interest – Miss J Campbell declared an interest in this item as a member of the Inverness Townscape Heritage Project and Mr J Gray declared an interest as a member of Inverness City Heritage Trust but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that their interests did not preclude them from taking part in the discussion.

There had been circulated Report No CIA/22/18 dated 21 May 2018 by the Director of Development & Infrastructure.

During discussion, and in welcoming the significant level of work which had been undertaken, information was sought and received from the Chair of the Inverness Townscape Heritage Project on capital grants, including high and medium priority projects and grant awards to date (which included the former AI Welders building) and also the Activity Plan which covered four key areas (the digital trail, employability, education and training and awareness and engagement).    

Thereafter, the Committee NOTED the progress being made in delivering the Inverness Townscape Heritage project as detailed in the report.

12. Inverness City Arts - Annual Report
Ath-sgrùdadh Bliadhnail/Plana-gnìomh Ealain Baile Inbhir Nis

There had been circulated Report No CIA/23/18 dated 16 May 2018 by the Inverness City Area Manager.

During discussion, information was provided in relation to the Governance and Action Plan and in respect of Project Updates which had been detailed in the report. 

The Committee otherwise NOTED the terms of the report as circulated

13. Participatory Budgeting toward Mainstreaming
Tachartasan Buidseataidh Com-pàirteach a’ Bhaile

There had been circulated Report No CIA/24/18 dated 17 May 2018 by the Acting Head of Policy.

Following a presentation of the report, and during discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • thanks should be conveyed to the Community and Democratic Engagement Manager and his team for the extremely successful events which had been held in the Aird and Loch Ness and Merkinch areas;
  • it was appreciated that even where projects had not been successful, advice and guidance had been given in terms of future presentation of these projects;
  • it was imperative that these successful projects were replicated and expanded into other areas;
  • where feasible, lessons should also be learned from other parts of the country where participatory budgeting had been successful;
  • future participatory budgeting events could perhaps be combined with other events in specific areas in order to encourage attendance;
  • it had to be recognised that there would be a considerable challenge in future in terms of involving new people in such events, as opposed to those people already involved in similar local initiatives;
  • it would be important to identify projects which represented appropriate models for participatory budgeting and also considering events other than those where physical attendance was required on a specific date;
  • representative democracy was what was required and it would be important to keep this in mind as opposed to handing over responsibility to others in communities;
  • in terms of the mainstreaming of participatory budgeting in future, it would be essential for this to involve tenants where feasible;
  • whilst being ambitious in the selection of future projects, it would be equally as important to avoid different areas having to compete against each other; and
  • a further report was required for a future meeting to provide detail on how Ward Discretionary Budgets had been allocated in those areas not involved in participatory budgeting.           

Thereafter, the Committee NOTED the events held in the area in 2018 and the participatory budgeting applied to mainstream service areas.

It was also AGREED that a further report should be submitted to the Committee to provide detail on how Ward Discretionary Budgets had been allocated in those areas not involved in participatory budgeting. 

14. Castle Wynd, Eastgate and Bridge Street – Proposed Alterations to Taxi Ranks – Consideration of Objections
Lùb a’ Chaisteil/An Àrd-Shràid agus Sràid na Drochaide – Atharrachaidhean gam Moladh ri Raointean Tagsaidh – Beachdachadh air Gearanan

There had been circulated Joint Report No. CIA/25/18 dated 23 May 2018 by the Inverness City Area Manager and Head of Roads and Transport. 

Following a presentation of the report, and during discussion, Members raised the following issues:-

  • it was felt that taxis were not now as reliant on actual ranks as had been the case in the past and for this and other reasons, not least the need for better arrangements to be made for tourists and the general public, the proposal to discontinue the use of Castle Wynd as a waiting area by taxis was supported;
  • in contrast, there was a view that Castle Wynd was a good location at present, particularly for those travelling to the west side of the City, and the proposed use of Eastgate as an alternative night time taxi rank was not considered feasible, particularly in terms of the potential impact on the surrounding and immediate area and the possible disruption;
  • consideration should also be given to using the loading bay opposite the Town House as a potential taxi rank;
  • there was a need to implement an additional survey of residents in the Broadstone Park area as it was felt that the initial survey had been too limited in terms of responses received; and
  • there was a need for a further report on possible alternatives to the proposal for a night time taxi rank in Eastgate.   

Thereafter, the Committee:-

(i) AGREED to abandon the proposal to amend Broadstone Park Permit Parking hours and that an additional survey of residents in the area should be undertaken;
(ii) AGREED to “make” an order to re-designate Castle Wynd as a restricted zone, no waiting or loading at any time;
(iii) AGREED TO DEFER consideration of an order for the provision of a night time Taxi rank in Eastgate Inverness pending consideration of alternatives to this proposal and the submission of further recommendation(s) to the Committee;
(iv) AGREED to abandon the proposal to provide an Eastbound daytime Taxi rank on Bridge Street; and
(v) APPROVED the maintaining of a 24 hour rank westbound on Bridge Street and the extension of the rank into the Loading Bay after 6pm. 

15. Burial Ground Commutation Fund: Work Programme 2018/19
Maoin Co-iomlaid Chladhan: Prògram Obrach 2018/19

Declaration of Interest – Mrs M Davidson declared a financial interest in this item on the basis that a family member was an employee of the Council but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that her interest did not preclude her from taking part in the discussion.

There had been circulated Report No CIA/26/18 dated 15 May 2018 by the Bereavement Services Manager.

Following a presentation of the report, and during discussion, Members welcomed the proposal to increase the allocation of £25,000 to Community Services to £30,000 for much needed works in relation to lifting sunken lairs, cleaning/clearing paths and the carrying out of some minor tree and shrub maintenance within the Inverness area Burial Grounds.

However, in relation to the work proposed for 2018/19 as detailed in the appendix to the report, there was concern about the proposed levels of use of the Commutation Fund within the context of the originally agreed principles for the fund and it was suggested that a further and full report should be submitted to the next meeting to provide further clarity in this respect.      

Thereafter, the Committee AGREED to increase annual maintenance costs from £25,000 to £30,000.

The Committee also AGREED the work programme for 2018/19 as detailed in Appendix A to the report – on the basis that a further and full report would be submitted to the next meeting on the use of the Commutation Fund, with particular reference being made to the original principles laid down for the use of this Fund. 

16. Centenary Fields
Raointean nan Ceud Bliadhna

There had been circulated Report No CIA/27/18 dated 10 May 2018 by the Inverness City Area Manager.

During discussion, clarification was sought and received on the benefits of taking part in this initiative which included contribution to a UK initiative to commemorate those involved with World War 1, raising awareness of both the initiative and the Council’s commitment to providing public access and recreation and raising the profile of the nominated sites. The initiative also aimed to safeguard valued public spaces for the future.

Thereafter, the Committee APPROVED the nomination of Cavell Gardens as a Centenary Field.

17. Inverness Common Good Fund:Discretionary Scheme for Winter Payments 2018/19
Maoin Mathas Coitcheann Inbhir Nis:Sgeama fo Ùghdarras airson Phàighidhean Geamhraidh 2018/19

There had been circulated Joint Report No CIA/28/18 dated 10 May 2018 by the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Corporate Resources and the Inverness City Area Manager.

During discussion, and whilst welcoming the proposals as an excellent use of Common Good funds, clarification was sought as to how much of the proposed increase was due to the actual payment and how much was due to the anticipated demand. In this regard, it was suggested and agreed that a review of the scheme should be undertaken prior to submission of any proposals for payment in the following year. 

Thereafter, the Committee AGREED:-

(i)  an increase in a single tier payment from £81 to £82 to be made to those applicants who satisfied the eligibility criteria for the 2018/19 scheme. This recommendation was based on the 0.4% increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI);
(ii)  an increase in budget from £105,000 to £132,000 to take into account the proposed increase in payment to £82.00 for 2018/19 and the anticipated increase in demand during 2018/19 arising from ongoing welfare reforms and energy costs; 
(iii)  that the criteria utilised for the 2017/18 scheme as set out in Paragraphs 4.1 to 4.4 should be used as the basis for the 2018/19 scheme;  
(iv)  this discretionary scheme to be made available to residents in the City of Inverness and the Landward areas of the seven City Wards; and  
(v)  to promote payment by BACS for this discretionary scheme as this was the most secure method of payment for recipients of the payment and the Council alike.

It was also AGREED that a review of the Winter Payments Scheme should be undertaken prior to submission of any proposals for payment in the following year.

18. Homologation of new Street Names 
Aontachadh Ainmean-sràide ùra

There had been circulated Report No CIA/29/18 dated 11 May 2018 by the Head of Policy & Reform.

The Committee HOMOLOGATED the following new street names – on the basis that the proposed names in each case should be submitted to the Gaelic Translation Officer in the first instance for correction of any errors prior to final confirmation -

(i)  one new street name at Westercraigs as Ruighard Place;
(ii)  two new streets for application 2, Tornagrain housing development as Laggnagere, Laggnagere Court and Hares Loan;
(iii)  one street for the former Poultry unit, Loch Flemington as Souters View; and
(iv)  three streets in Culduthel as Kilfinan Way, Bracara Road and Banavie Gardens.

19. Town House Tours  

Declaration of Interest – Mr D Macpherson declared a non-financial interest in this item as a Director of High Life Highland but, having applied the test outlined in Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, concluded that his interest did not preclude him from taking part in the discussion.

There had been circulated Joint Report No CIA/30/18 dated 11 May 2018 by the Inverness City Area Manager and the Principal Cultural Manager, High Life Highland.

The Committee AGREED to the Programme of Town House Tours commencing for 2018 as detailed in the report and Appendix 1 – subject to the following -

  • corrections to be made to the following terms contained in the report which were incorrect in relation to the locations which they were describing – ‘Dignitary Rooms’, ‘Committee Rooms’ and ‘Great Hall’;
  • the reference to ‘Cullicudden Stone’ to be corrected to read ‘Clachnacuddin Stone’; and
  • the proposed date of 12 June for Members to tour the Town House to be changed as it coincided with the previously arranged South Planning Applications Committee meeting at Headquarters on that same day. 

The Committee also NOTED the collaborative work done in preparation between the Council and High Life Highland, that the tours would be promoted through High Life Highland and all reasonable opportunity used to seek promotion elsewhere and that an evaluation report would be provided late in 2018 or early 2019 with proposals for the 2019 tourist season.

20. Inverness Common Good Fund
Maoin Math Coitcheann Inbhir Nis

(a) Financial Monitoring
Sgrùdadh Ionmhasail

There had been circulated Report No CIA/31/18 dated 17 May 2018 by the Inverness City Area Manager.

The Committee NOTED the financial monitoring report to 30 April 2018 and that overall expenditure was within agreed budgets.

(b) Grants and Capital Projects
Pròiseactan Tabhartais agus Calpa

There had been circulated Report No CIA/32/18 dated 17 May 2018 by the Inverness City Area Manager.

In this connection, there had also been circulated copy of supporting documentation as Booklet A.

The Committee NOTED the current status of capital projects and AGREED to approve the following application –

Visit Inverness Loch Ness Ltd - £20,000

It was also AGREED NOT TO PROCEED with the proposed New Starter Unit at Lotland Street.

(c) Whin Park Improvement Works
Obair-leasachaidh Pàirc a’ Chonaisg

There had been circulated Report No. CIA/33/18 dated 17 April 2018 by the Director of Community Services.

The Committee NOTED the details of work already completed and the proposed programme of improvement works for Whin Park.

The Committee also APPROVED the funding to complete the added value works over the next two years.

21. Minutes

The following Minutes had been circulated for noting or approval as appropriate:-

i. City of Inverness Area Committee held on 22 February 2018 - NOTED;
ii. Inverness Common Good Fund Sub-Committee held on 9 April and 14 May 2018 - APPROVED;
iii. Events & Festivals Working Group held on 27 February and 16 April 2018 - APPROVED;
iv. Inverness City Arts Working Group held on 1 March, 22 March and 3 May 2018 - APPROVED; and 
v. Victorian Market Stakeholder Management Group held on 20 March and 5 May 2018 - NOTED.

The meeting ended at 4.30pm.