Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland Licensing Board

Date: Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Highland Licensing Board will take place remotely via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday, 27 October 2020 at 1.00 pm (following the Highland Licensing Committee commencing 10.00 am).

You are invited to attend and a note of the business to be considered is attached.

Webcast notice:  This meeting will be filmed and broadcast over the internet on the Highland Council website and will be archived and available for viewing for 12 months thereafter.

Members are reminded that during determination of a Licensing Board Item, in order to be entitled to participate in any vote, Members must be present throughout all of the proceedings.

Members are further reminded that mobile devices, including mobile phones, can be used for following the agenda/reports and delivering speeches but should not be used for any form of communication (text or tweet) during the meeting.

Yours faithfully

Claire McArthur
Clerk to the Licensing Board


1.  Apologies for absence

2.  Declarations of interest
Foillseachaidhean com-pàirt

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting.   Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest.   Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3.  Confirmation of minutes 
Dearbhadh a’ gheàrr-chunntais

There is submitted for confirmation as a correct record the minute of the meeting of the Highland Licensing Board held on 8 September 2020.

4.  Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005
Licences granted under delegated powers 
Achd Ceadachd (Alba) 2005      
Ceadachdan a bhuilicheadh fo ùghdarras air a thiomnadh

There is circulated Report No HLB/068/20 detailing Licences which have been granted under delegated powers by the Clerk to the Board during the period 27 August 2020 to 14 October 2020 and inviting the Board to note the Report.

5.  Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005
Occasional licences and extended hours
granted under delegated powers  
Achd Ceadachd (Alba) 2005
Ceadachdan Corra-uair agus uairean sìnte a bhuilicheadh fo ùghdarras air a thiomnadh

There is circulated Report No HLB/069/20 detailing Occasional Licences and Extended Hours Applications which have been granted under delegated powers by the Clerk to the Board during the period 27 August 2020 to 14 October 2020 and inviting the Board to note the Report.

6.  Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005  
Applications for provisional premises licences
Achd Ceadachd (Alba) 2005
Iarrtas airson ceadachdan thogalaichean le cumha

6.1  Ref: HC/RSL/1952
Arisaig Gin Limited
Premises:  Arisaig Gin Distillery, Creag Mhor Croft, 1 Kinloid, Arisaig, PH39 4NS
Type:  Off-Sales

There is circulated Report No HLB/070/20 by the Clerk.

7.  Application for personal licence
Iarrtas airson ceadachd phearsanta

7.1 Applicant: Alan Michael Tomlin (HC/RSL/L/7362)

There is circulated Report No HLB/071/20 by the Clerk.

8.  Surrender of premises licence
Gèilleadh ceadachd togalaich

8.1  Premises:  Ullinish Country Lodge, Struan, Isle of Skye, IV56 8FD
Licence Holder:  Pamela J Howard